Bromine & DIG Labeled Nucleotides
5-Bromo-dUTP, 10 mM solution
5-Bromo-dUTP (5-Bromo-2′-deoxyuridine-5′-triphosphate) is widely used in TUNEL assay to detect apoptosis cells, and also is a good substrate for reverse transcriptase.
BrdU (5-Bromo-2′-deoxyuridine)
BrdU (5-Bromo-2′-deoxyuridine) can be incorporated into DNA during cell division and subsequently detected by a BrdU antibody. The probe can be used to study cell-cycle kinetics (1).
BrUTP, 10 mM Solution
BrUTP (5-Bromouridine-5′-triphosphate) can be enzymatically incorporated into RNA and detected with anti-BrdU antibodies.
Digoxigenin-dUTP, Alkali Stable
Digoxigenin-dUTP can be enzymatically incorporated into DNA via nick translation, random priming, or 3′-end terminal labeling to synthesize labeled DNA probes for in-situ hybridization, microarray or blotting techniques. The digoxigenin labeled probe could be detected by using fluorescent labeled or enzyme labeled anti-digoxigenin antibody.