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This ultra high sensitivity DNA quantitation assay can detect ultra low amounts of DNA better than any competitor kit on the market
A versatile, highly sensitive assay with an extremely broad dynamic range
AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity and Broad Range kits are affordable alternatives to Qubit® dsDNA kits
Wide linear range of 2-2000 ng
Non-mutagenic dye for safer handling & easy disposal
RNA-selective, sensitive assay for plate reader or Qubit®. The widest dynamic range, equal to Quant-iT™ HS and BR combined

Fluorescence-Based Nucleic Acid Quantitation

Fluorescence-based nucleic acid quantitation assays allow precise quantitation of purified dsDNA or RNA samples across a wide range of concentrations and a variety of fluorescence detection instruments.

Unlike absorbance-based nucleic acid quantitation, which cannot distinguish between DNA, RNA, and free nucleotides, fluorescent assays are highly selective for either dsDNA or RNA. Fluorescent assays also allow more sensitive detection of low concentrations of DNA or RNA, allowing you to preserve your precious samples.

Biotium offers dsDNA quantitiation kits and solutions for different instruments and sample concentration ranges. Some of our kits offer unrivaled sensitivity or linear ranges.

Biotium also offers an RNA quantitation kit with the widest linear range on the market and multi-instrument capability, making it the most convenient assay you will find.

Microplate reader dsDNA assay features

  • Allow quantitation of many samples and replicates at once, for better accuracy
  • Microplate readers have the highest sensitivity and adjustable excitation and emission settings
  • The AccuBlue® NextGen assay is the most sensitive DNA quantitation assay on the market, allowing accurate detection of 1 pg* of DNA
  • The AccuClear® assay is extremely versatile, with a very broad dynamic range, allowing quantitation of nearly any sample

Microplate reader dsDNA assay linear ranges

Qubit® reader dsDNA assay features

  • AccuGreen™ assay kits are designed for use in the pre-programmed dsDNA quantitation assays on the Qubit® reader
  • AccuGreen™ assay kits are direct replacements for the Qubit® assay kits
  • Significant cost savings when compared to the Qubit® kits

Qubit® reader dsDNA assay linear ranges

RNA assay features

  • Linear range (5-1000 ng RNA) spans both Qubit® HS & BR ranges
  • Highly selective for RNA over dsDNA
  • Far-red fluorescence emission
  • For fluorescence microplate reader or Qubit® fluorometer (RNA Broad Range program)
  • Mammalian RNA standard to accurately quantify similar samples

RNA assay linear range

All DNA & RNA Quantitation Kits

or RNA
Detection range
(in assay)*
Dye Ex/Em (nm) Suggested instrument Features
High Sensitivity DNA
DNA 0.1-100 ng 502/523 Qubit® fluorometer Compare to the Qubit® dsDNA HS assay from Thermo Fisher
AccuGreen™ Broad Range DNA DNA 2-1000 ng 500/530 Qubit® fluorometer Compare to the Qubit® dsDNA BR assay from Thermo Fisher
Non-toxic & non-mutagentic DNA quantitation dye
AccuBlue® NextGen DNA DNA 1-3000 pg** 468/507 Fluorescence microplate reader Most sensitive assay available for quantitation of precious or dilute samples
Optimal for sensitive applications such as NGS or digital PCR
AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity DNA DNA 0.03-250 ng 468/507 Fluorescence microplate reader Versatile kit with high sensitivity and wide linear range
AccuBlue® High Sensitivity DNA DNA 0.2-100 ng 485/530 Fluorescence microplate reader Non-toxic & non-mutagentic DNA quantitation dye
AccuBlue® Broad Range DNA DNA 2-2000 ng 350/460 Fluorescence microplate reader Broad linear range with blue fluorescence
AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA RNA 5-1000 ng 650/670 Fluorescence microplate reader
or Qubit® fluorometer
The widest linear range of available RNA quantitation kits
Exceptional accuracy, sensitivity, and high RNA selectivity
* Standard assay volume is 200 uL
** AccuBlue® NextGen limit of detection is in the range of 1 pg to 5 pg depending on instrument sensitivity

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  • Linear range: 1-3000 pg dsDNA (depending on plate reader capability)
  • Unrivaled sensitivity for ultra low amounts of DNA
  • Working solution stable for up to 6 months in the fridge for added convenience
  • Green fluorescence (Ex/Em: 460/507 nm)
  • Dye is a perfect match for blue LED excitation sources
  • Designed for fluorescence microplate reader, spectrally compatible with Qubit®, QuantiFluor-P®, or Nanodrop® Spectrofluorometer
  • Available with or without calf thymus dsDNA standard

Click here to download an App Note on using the AccuBlue® NextGen assay on the BMG CLARIOStar® to quantify extremely low amounts of DNA.

Standard curve of calf thymus DNA assayed using the AccuBlue® NextGen Kit and read on a microplate reader (Ex/Em 460/507). Inset shows the lower end of the titration.

AccuBlue® NextGen Products

Product DNA Standards Catalog No. Size
AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit 10 ng/uL calf thymus dsDNA with instructions for preparing standard curve by dilution 31060-T Trial size (200 assays)
31060 1000 assays
AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Solution None, for use with DNA standard of your choice 31061-T Trial size (200 assays)
31061 1000 assays

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  • Linear range: 0.03-250 ng dsDNA
  • Very high sensitivity and dynamic range
  • Green fluorescence (Ex/Em: 468/507 nm)
  • Dye is a perfect match for blue LED excitation sources
  • Designed for fluorescence microplate reader, spectrally compatible with Qubit®, QuantiFluor™-P, or Nanodrop® Spectrofluorometer
  • Available with or without calf thymus DNA standards
Standard curve of calf thymus DNA assayed using the AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity Kit and read on a microplate reader (Ex/Em 460/507 nm). Inset shows the lower end of the titration.

AccuClear® Products

Product DNA Standards Catalog No. Size
AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standards 25 ng/uL calf thymus dsDNA with instructions for preparing standard curve by dilution 31028-T Trial size (200 assays)
Set of 7 prediluted calf thymus dsDNA standards 31028 1000 assays
25 ng/uL calf thymus dsDNA with instructions for preparing standard curve by dilution 31029 2000 assays
AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Solution None, for use with DNA standard of your choice 31027-T Trial size (200 assays)
31027 1000 assays
AccuClear® dsDNA Standard, 25 ng/uL Standalone DNA standard, 25 ng/uL 31029C 1 mL

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  • Linear range: 0.2-100 ng dsDNA
  • Non-toxic, non-mutagenic dye for safer handling and easy disposal
  • Green fluorescence (Ex/Em: 500/530 nm)
  • Designed for fluorescence microplate reader, spectrally compatible with Qubit®, QuantiFluor-P®, or Nanodrop® Spectrofluorometer
  • Available with or without calf thymus dsDNA standards
  • Set of standards also available separately
Standard curve of calf thymus DNA assayed using the AccuBlue® High Sensitivity Kit and read on a microplate reader (Ex/Em 485/530). Inset shows the lower end of the titration.

AccuBlue® High Sensitivity Products

Product DNA Standards Catalog No. Size
AccuBlue® High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standards 10 ng/uL calf thymus dsDNA with instructions for preparing standard curve by dilution 31006-T Trial size (200 assays)
Set of 8 prediluted calf thymus dsDNA standards 31006 1000 assays
AccuBlue® High Sensitivity dsDNA Solution None, for use with DNA standard of your choice 31008-T Trial size (200 assays)
31008 1000 assays
AccuBlue® High Sensitivity dsDNA Standards, Set of Eight Stand-alone set of standards (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ng/uL) 31006C 0.5 mL each

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AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity

  • Designed specifically for Thermo’s Qubit® fluorometer
  • Linear range: 0.1-100 ng dsDNA
  • Green fluorescence (Ex/Em: 502/523 nm)
  • Replaces Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kit for cost savings
A genomic DNA sample was quantified using both the Qubit® HS kit and the AccuGreen™ HS kit. A nearly identical result was obtained with each kit.

AccuGreen™ Broad Range

  • Designed specifically for Thermo’s Qubit® fluorometer
  • Linear range: 2-1000 ng dsDNA
  • Green fluorescence (Ex/Em: 500/530 nm)
  • Replaces Qubit® dsDNA BR Assay Kit for cost savings
A genomic DNA sample was quantified using both the Qubit® BR kit and the AccuGreen™ BR kit. A nearly identical result was obtained with each kit.

AccuGreen™ Products

Product DNA Standards Catalog No. Size
AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit (for Qubit®) 0 & 10 ng/uL calf thymus dsDNA 31066-T Trial size (100 assays)
31066 500 assays
AccuGreen™ High Sensitvity dsDNA Quantitation Solution (for Qubit®) None, for use with DNA standard of your choice 31068-T Trial size (100 assays)
31068 500 assays
AccuGreen™ Standard 2, 10 ng/uL Standalone DNA standard, 10 ng/uL 99820-T 1 mL
AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit (for Qubit®) 0 & 100 ng/uL calf thymus dsDNA 31069-T Trial size (100 assays)
31069 500 assays
AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution (for Qubit®) None, for use with DNA standard of your choice 31070-T Trial size (100 assays)
31070 500 assays
AccuGreen™ Standard 2, 100 ng/uL Standalone DNA standard, 100 ng/uL 99838-T 1 mL

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  • Linear range: 2-2000 ng dsDNA
  • Blue fluorescence emission (Ex/Em: 350/460 nm)
  • For fluorescence microplate reader
  • Available with or without calf thymus dsDNA standards
  • Set of standards also available separately
Standard curve of calf thymus DNA assayed using AccuBlue® Broad Range Kit and read on a microplate reader (Ex/Em 350/460). Inset shows the lower end of the titration.

AccuBlue® Broad Range DNA Quantitation Products

Product DNA Standards Catalog No. Size
AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standards 200 ng/uL calf thymus dsDNA with instructions for preparing standard curve by dilution 31007-T Trial size (200 assays)
Set of 9 prediluted calf thymus dsDNA standards 31007 1500 assays
AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Solution None, for use with DNA standard of your choice 31009-T Trial size (200 assays)
31009 1500 assays
AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Standards, Set of Nine Stand-alone set of standards, 0, 2, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 150, and 200 ng/uL 31007C 0.5 mL each

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AccuBlue® RNA Quantitation Kit Details

  • Linear range of 5-1000 ng RNA
  • Far-red fluorescence emission (Ex/Em: 650/670 nm)
  • Optimized for fluorescence microplate readers with far-red fluorescence
  • Optimized for the Qubit® 3 pre-programmed RNA BR program
  • Comes with a mammalian-derived total RNA standard

AccuBlue® RNA Quantitation Kit Advantages

  • Selective: Can tolerate equivalent amounts of dsDNA (see Figure below)
  • Convenient: Wide linear range spans Qubit®/Quant-iT™ HS and BR ranges
  • Flexible: For fluorescence microplate reader or small fluorometer like Qubit®
  • Accurate: The mammalian-derived total RNA standard provides the highest accuracy when quantifying samples from similar sources
The AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation assay has a linear range of 5-1000 ng RNA in a fluorescent plate reader, a wider range than similar assays.
The AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit is highly selective for RNA over dsDNA. This figure shows that it can tolerate an equal amount of dsDNA without affecting the RNA quantitation.

AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kits

Product Catalog No. Size
AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit
31073-T Trial size (200 assays)
AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit 31073 1000 assays

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AccuBlue and AccuClear are registered trademarks of Biotium, Inc. AccuBlue, AccuClear and AccuGreen technologies are covered by granted U.S. and international patents. Qubit, Quant-iT, PicoGreen and NanoDrop are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific.

AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit

From: $110 Sizes: Trial size (200 assays), 1,000 assaysCatalog #:
, - 31060-TView allHide

AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standards

From: $87 Sizes: Trial size (200 assays), 1,000 assays, 2,000 assaysCatalog #:
, 31028-T, - 31029View allHide

AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit

From: $96 Sizes: 100 assays, 500 assaysCatalog #:
, - 31066-TView allHide

AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit

From: $87 Sizes: 100 assays, 500 assaysCatalog #:
, - 31069View allHide

AccuBlue® High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standards

From: $70 Sizes: Trial size (200 assays), 1,000 assaysCatalog #:
, - 31006-TView allHide

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standards

From: $70 Sizes: 1500 assays, Trial size (200 assays)Catalog #:
, - 31007View allHide

AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit

From: $102 Sizes: Trial size (200 assays), 1,000 assaysCatalog #:
, - 31073View allHide

Ultrafiltration Vials

From: $55 Sizes: 5 itemsCatalog #:
, - 22018View allHide


DNA & RNA Quantitation Kits

Note that the optimal excitation and emission maxima of AccuBlue® NextGen are 468/507 nm which is different than the other AccuBlue® dyes. The gain settings on your fluorescence plate reader may need to be adjusted for optimal signal to background.

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Most of our products are stable at room temperature for many days, so in all likelihood the product will still work just fine. To be on the safe side, we recommend performing a small scale positive control experiment to confirm that the product still works for your application before processing a large number of samples or precious samples. One exception that we are aware of is GelGreen™, which is more sensitive to light exposure than most of our other fluorescent dyes. If GelGreen™ is exposed to ambient light for a prolonged period of time (days to weeks), its color will change from dark orange to brick red. If this occurs, the GelGreen will no longer work for gel staining.  

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AccuGreen™ kits are designed for use with the Qubit® fluorometer. All of the other kits are designed for use with 96-well fluorescence plate readers. Our quantitation kits vary in the concentration ranges of dsDNA that they are able to detect. Some of the kits also have different fluorescence excitation/emission. Visit the DNA Quantitation Kit Technology Page or consult the table below to make your selection.

All DNA & RNA Quantitation Kits

or RNA
Detection range
(in assay)*
Dye Ex/Em (nm) Suggested instrument Features
High Sensitivity DNA
DNA 0.1-100 ng 502/523 Qubit® fluorometer Compare to the Qubit® dsDNA HS assay from Thermo Fisher
AccuGreen™ Broad Range DNA DNA 2-1000 ng 500/530 Qubit® fluorometer Compare to the Qubit® dsDNA BR assay from Thermo Fisher
Non-toxic & non-mutagentic DNA quantitation dye
AccuBlue® NextGen DNA DNA 1-3000 pg** 468/507 Fluorescence microplate reader Most sensitive assay available for quantitation of precious or dilute samples
Optimal for sensitive applications such as NGS or digital PCR
AccuClear® Ultra High Sensitivity DNA DNA 0.03-250 ng 468/507 Fluorescence microplate reader Versatile kit with high sensitivity and wide linear range
AccuBlue® High Sensitivity DNA DNA 0.2-100 ng 485/530 Fluorescence microplate reader Non-toxic & non-mutagentic DNA quantitation dye
AccuBlue® Broad Range DNA DNA 2-2000 ng 350/460 Fluorescence microplate reader Broad linear range with blue fluorescence
AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA RNA 5-1000 ng 650/670 Fluorescence microplate reader
or Qubit® fluorometer
The widest linear range of available RNA quantitation kits
Exceptional accuracy, sensitivity, and high RNA selectivity
* Standard assay volume is 200 uL
** AccuBlue® NextGen limit of detection is in the range of 1 pg to 5 pg depending on instrument sensitivity

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