Amyloid & Neurodegeneration StainsAntibody & Protein Labeling KitsApoptosis & Viability AssaysBuffers, Accessories, & Background ReducersCalcium Indicators & ChelatorsCancer ResearchCell & Organelle StainsCell Cycle AnalysisChromogenic SubstratesDNA Gel Stains & AccessoriesEnzyme SubstratesEquipmentFlow CytometryFluorescence MicroscopyFluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other ConjugatesHRP & Alkaline Phosphatase ConjugatesIn Vivo ImagingLuciferase Reporter Gene AssaysMagnesium, Chloride, pH, Zinc & Other IndicatorsMicrobiologyNeuroscienceNuclear CounterstainsNucleic Acid Quantitation & ExtractionOther qPCR ReagentsPCR & DNA AmplificationPrimary AntibodiesqPCR DyesqPCR Master MixesReactive CF® Dyes, Other Reactive Dyes & Biotinylation ReagentsReagents for Nitric Oxide (NO) & Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)Secondary Antibodies, Anti-Tag Antibodies, & Streptavidin ConjugatesSuper-Resolution ImagingWestern & Protein Analysis
Gel-Bright™ Laser Diode Gel Illuminator
From: $13
Sizes: EachCatalog #:
E90005B, - E90005View allHide
E90005B, - E90005View allHide
A laser diode-based gel illuminator for visualizing fluorescent nucleic acid and protein gels. Avoids UV light hazards and offers exceptional performance for widely used green and red dyes.
PMA-Lite™ 2.0 LED Photolysis Device
From: $2,514
Sizes: EachCatalog #: E90006
An optimized photoactivation device designed for photolysis of PMAxx™- and PMA- treated samples in viability PCR.
Glo-Plate™ 2.0 Blue LED Illuminator
From: $1,500
Sizes: EachCatalog #: E90007
A multi-functional blue LED light box that can be used for photolysis of PMAxx™ or PMA in viability PCR; or to develop the visible DNA gel stain DNAzure®.