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Cytoskeletal Stains

Phalloidin conjugates, for staining F-actin in fixed cells, come in choice of 22 fluorescent dye or biotin conjugates.

ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains are cell-permeable taxol probes for imaging the microtubule cytoskeleton in live cells. Available with blue, green, or far-red fluorescence.


    ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains

    From: $101 Sizes: Trial size (10 uL), 50 uLCatalog #:
    , 70063, 70062-T, 70062, 70064-T, - 70064View allHide

    Cell-permeant probes for imaging the microtubule cytoskeleton in live cells. Available with blue, green, or far-red fluorescence.


    Phalloidin Conjugates

    From: $105 Sizes: 100 U, 50 U, 300 UCatalog #:
    , 00028, 00030, 00032, 00041, 00041-T, 00033, 00034, 00042, 00043, 00044, 00064-T, 00045, 00064, 00046, 00047, 00048, 00049, 00050, 00051, 00052, 00053, 00054, 00055, 00034-T, 00042-T, 00043-T, 00044-T, 00045-T, 00046-T, 00047-T, 00048-T, 00049-T, 00050-T, 00051-T, 00052-T, 00053-T, 00054-T, - 00055-TView allHide

    A highly selective actin filament stain for fixed and permeabilized cells. Labeled phalloidins have similar affinity for both large and small filaments.