Near-IR Cytoplasmic Membrane Stains
CellBrite™ Near-IR dyes and DiR are lipophilic cytoplasmic membrane dyes with fluorescence in the near-IR range.
Amyloid & Neurodegeneration StainsAntibody & Protein Labeling KitsApoptosis & Viability AssaysBuffers, Accessories, & Background ReducersCalcium Indicators & ChelatorsCancer ResearchCell & Organelle StainsCell Cycle AnalysisChromogenic SubstratesDNA Gel Stains & AccessoriesEnzyme SubstratesEquipmentFlow CytometryFluorescence MicroscopyFluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other ConjugatesHRP & Alkaline Phosphatase ConjugatesIn Vivo ImagingLuciferase Reporter Gene AssaysMagnesium, Chloride, pH, Zinc & Other IndicatorsMicrobiologyNeuroscienceNuclear CounterstainsNucleic Acid Quantitation & ExtractionOther qPCR ReagentsPCR & DNA AmplificationPrimary AntibodiesqPCR DyesqPCR Master MixesReactive CF® Dyes, Other Reactive Dyes & Biotinylation ReagentsReagents for Nitric Oxide (NO) & Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)Secondary Antibodies, Anti-Tag Antibodies, & Streptavidin ConjugatesSuper-Resolution ImagingWestern & Protein Analysis
CellBrite® NIR Cytoplasmic Membrane Dyes
From: $165
Sizes: 100 uLCatalog #:
30070, 30077, 30078, - 30079View allHide
30070, 30077, 30078, - 30079View allHide
Biotium’s CellBrite® NIR Cytoplasmic Membrane Dyes are ready-to-use dye stock solutions that can be added directly to normal culture media to uniformly label cell membranes with near-infrared lipophilic dyes.
From: $178
Sizes: 5 x 1 mg, 10 mgCatalog #:
60017-10mg, - 60017-5mgView allHide
60017-10mg, - 60017-5mgView allHide
DiR is a lipophilic, near-infrared fluorescent cyanine dye. The dye is useful for labeling cytoplasmic membranes and has been used for near-infrared in vivo imaging.