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    GFP Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (9F9.F9)

    From: $295 Sizes: 100 uL, 0.1 mLCatalog #:
    , 20216, 20217, 20218, 20219, 20220, 20480, 20481, - 20482View allHide

    Monoclonal mouse anti-GFP antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes.


    GST Polyclonal Goat Antibody

    From: $189 Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uLCatalog #:
    , 20981, 20424, 20425, - 20426View allHide

    Polyclonal goat anti-GST antibody labeled with our superior CF® Dyes.


    HA (Hemagglutinin Tag) Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody

    From: $373 Sizes: 50 uLCatalog #:
    , 20975, 20486, 20238, 20239, - 20240View allHide

    Polyclonal rabbit anti-HA Tag antibody labeled with our superior CF® Dyes.


    MYC Tag Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody

    From: $189 Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uLCatalog #:
    , 20977, 20436, 20437, 20438, - 20439View allHide

    Polyclonal rabbit anti-MYC antibody labeled with our superior CF® Dyes.


    Phalloidin Conjugates

    From: $101 Sizes: 100 U, 50 U, 300 UCatalog #:
    , 00028, 00030, 00032, 00041, 00041-T, 00033, 00034, 00042, 00043, 00044, 00064-T, 00045, 00064, 00046, 00047, 00048, 00049, 00050, 00051, 00052, 00053, 00054, 00055, 00034-T, 00042-T, 00043-T, 00044-T, 00045-T, 00046-T, 00047-T, 00048-T, 00049-T, 00050-T, 00051-T, 00052-T, 00053-T, 00054-T, - 00055-TView allHide

    A highly selective actin filament stain for fixed and permeabilized cells. Labeled phalloidins have similar affinity for both large and small filaments.


    RFP Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody

    From: $295 Sizes: 100 uLCatalog #:
    , 20422, 20423, 20476, 20477, 20478, - 20479View allHide

    Polyclonal rabbit anti-RFP antibody labeled with our superior CF® dyes.


    Streptavidin Conjugates

    From: $122 Sizes: 100 uL, 200 uL, 1 mL, 1 mgCatalog #:
    , 29086, 29030, 29031, 29032, 29033, 29034, 29035, 29036, 29037, 29038, 29039, 29040, 29041, 29043, 29049, 29056, 29065, 29066, 29072, 29044-1mL, 29044-200uL, 29048-1mL, 29048-200uL, 29071-100uL, 29071-1mL, - 29081View allHide

    A high quality biotin-binding protein conjugated to Biotium’s signature bright and photostable fluorescent CF® dyes, and a selection of other labels.


    V5 Tag Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody

    From: $189 Sizes: 50 uL, 100 uLCatalog #:
    , 20979, 20440, 20441, 20442, - 20443View allHide

    Polyclonal rabbit anti-V5 antibody labeled with our superior CF® Dyes.


    dCTP CF® Dye Conjugates

    From: $112 Sizes: 5 nmol, 25 nmolCatalog #:
    , 40028-T, 40055-T, 40056-T, 40057-T, 40058-T, 40066-T, 40067-T, 40068-T, 40027, 40028, 40055, 40056, 40057, 40058, 40066, 40067, - 40068View allHide

    CF® dye dCTP can be used to synthesize labeled DNA probes for in-situ hybridization, microarray or blotting applications.


    Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits

    From: $125 Sizes: 3x(5-20 ug) labelings, 5-20 ug labeling, 20-50 ug labeling, 50-100 ug labelingCatalog #:
    , 92459, 92458, 92457, 92456, 92455, 92463, 92462, 92461, 92446, 92445, 92447, 92448, 92449, 92433, 92432, 92431, 92430, 92429, 92428, 92427, 92426, 92425, 92230, 92231, 92232, 92233, 92234, 92235, 92236, 92237, 92238, 92239, 92240, 92241, 92242, 92243, 92245, 92246, 92247, 92248, 92250, 92251, 92252, 92253, 92254, 92255, 92256, 92257, 92258, 92259, 92260, 92261, 92262, 92263, 92264, 92265, 92267, 92268, 92270, 92271, 92272, 92273, 92274, 92275, 92276, 92277, 92278, 92279, 92280, 92281, 92282, 92283, 92284, 92285, 92287, 92288, 92289, 92290, 92291, 92303, 92304, 92305, 92316, 92317, 92318, 92319, 92320, 92321, 92322, 92323, 92324, 92331, 92332, 92333, 92334, 92335, 92336, 92337, 92338, - 92339View allHide

    Label your IgG antibody with one of our superior CF® Dyes in as little as 15 minutes without a purification step. Labeling tolerates many common buffer components including BSA and ascites.


    Mix-n-Stain™ Nanobody Labeling Kits

    From: $139 Sizes: 5-20 ug labeling, 20-50 ug labelingCatalog #:
    , 92500, 92502, 92503, 92504, 92505, 92506, 92507, 92508, 92509, 92510, 92511, 92512, 92513, 92514, - 92515View allHide

    These kits allow optimal labeling of single-chain nanobodies with CF® dyes or biotin in 30 minutes without a purification step.