Amyloid & Neurodegeneration StainsAntibody & Protein Labeling KitsApoptosis & Viability AssaysBuffers, Accessories, & Background ReducersCalcium Indicators & ChelatorsCancer ResearchCell & Organelle StainsCell Cycle AnalysisChromogenic SubstratesDNA Gel Stains & AccessoriesEnzyme SubstratesEquipmentFlow CytometryFluorescence MicroscopyFluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other ConjugatesHRP & Alkaline Phosphatase ConjugatesIn Vivo ImagingLuciferase Reporter Gene AssaysMagnesium, Chloride, pH, Zinc & Other IndicatorsMicrobiologyNeuroscienceNuclear CounterstainsNucleic Acid Quantitation & ExtractionOther qPCR ReagentsPCR & DNA AmplificationPrimary AntibodiesqPCR DyesqPCR Master MixesReactive CF® Dyes, Other Reactive Dyes & Biotinylation ReagentsReagents for Nitric Oxide (NO) & Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)Secondary Antibodies, Anti-Tag Antibodies, & Streptavidin ConjugatesSuper-Resolution ImagingWestern & Protein Analysis
CF® Dye Azide
From: $341
Sizes: 0.5 mgCatalog #:
92080, 92081, 92082, 92083, 92084, 92085, 92092, 92094, 92119, 92180, 92181, 92182, - 96000View allHide
92080, 92081, 92082, 92083, 92084, 92085, 92092, 92094, 92119, 92180, 92181, 92182, - 96000View allHide
CF® Dyes with an azide group. Can be used to label or detect alkyne, BCN or cyclooctyne-containing molecules by fluorescence spectroscopy, microscopy or flow cytometry following copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition.
Biotin Azide
From: $88
Sizes: 1 mgCatalog #: 92167
Biotin azide reacts with alkyne to form 1,2,3-triazole by copper(I) catalyzed 1,3-dipolar Huisgen cycloaddition.