A safer, more sensitive alternative to mutagenic ethidium bromide for staining DNA in gels. Learn more about our available nucleic acid gel stains.
Amyloid & Neurodegeneration StainsAntibody & Protein Labeling KitsApoptosis & Viability AssaysBuffers, Accessories, & Background ReducersCalcium Indicators & ChelatorsCancer ResearchCell & Organelle StainsCell Cycle AnalysisChromogenic SubstratesDNA Gel Stains & AccessoriesEnzyme SubstratesEquipmentFlow CytometryFluorescence MicroscopyFluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other ConjugatesHRP & Alkaline Phosphatase ConjugatesIn Vivo ImagingLuciferase Reporter Gene AssaysMagnesium, Chloride, pH, Zinc & Other IndicatorsMicrobiologyNeuroscienceNuclear CounterstainsNucleic Acid Quantitation & ExtractionOther qPCR ReagentsPCR & DNA AmplificationPrimary AntibodiesqPCR DyesqPCR Master MixesReactive CF® Dyes, Other Reactive Dyes & Biotinylation ReagentsReagents for Nitric Oxide (NO) & Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)Secondary Antibodies, Anti-Tag Antibodies, & Streptavidin ConjugatesSuper-Resolution ImagingWestern & Protein Analysis
GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain
From: $33
Sizes: Trial size (0.1 mL), 0.5 mL, 10 mL, 4 LCatalog #:
41001, 41002, 41003, 41002-1, 41003-1, - 41003-TView allHide
41001, 41002, 41003, 41002-1, 41003-1, - 41003-TView allHide
Ultra sensitive and environmentally safe replacement for EtBr DNA/RNA gel stain.
6X GelRed® Prestain Loading Buffer with Orange Tracking Dye
From: $94
Sizes: 1 mLCatalog #: 41010
6X GelRed® Prestain Loading Buffer is a DNA gel loading buffer containing GelRed® for one-step fluorescent staining and gel loading of DNA.
PAGE GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain
From: $29
Sizes: 0.1 mL, 500 uL, 4 LCatalog #:
41014, 41008-500uL, - 41008-TView allHide
41014, 41008-500uL, - 41008-TView allHide
PAGE GelRed® is a non-toxic, non-mutagenic red DNA gel stain specifically formulated to stain DNA in polyacrylamide gels. PAGE GelRed® can be imaged using a 254 nm UV transilluminator with an ethidium bromide filter.
GelRed® Prestain Plus 6X DNA Loading Dye
From: $106
Sizes: 1 mLCatalog #: 41011
6X DNA loading buffer that includes ultra-sensitive, non-toxic GelRed® dye.