Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red Staining Kit
From: $78
Sizes: 50 assays, 200 assaysCatalog #:
32010, - 32010-TView allHide
32010, - 32010-TView allHide
A red fluorescent dye to covalently label dead cells, allowing cells with permeable plasma membranes to be detected in flow cytometry and microscopy.
Live-or-Dye™ Fixable Viability Staining Kits
From: $77
Sizes: 50 assays, 200 assays, 250 assaysCatalog #:
32016, 32017, 32018-T, 32002-T, 32014-T, 32003-T, 32009-T, 32004-T, 32012-T, 32015-T, 32005-T, 32007-T, 32006-T, 32013-T, 32008-T, 32011-T, 32018, 32002, 32014, 32003, 32009, 32004, 32012, 32005, 32006, 32015, 32007, 32013, 32008, - 32011View allHide
32016, 32017, 32018-T, 32002-T, 32014-T, 32003-T, 32009-T, 32004-T, 32012-T, 32015-T, 32005-T, 32007-T, 32006-T, 32013-T, 32008-T, 32011-T, 32018, 32002, 32014, 32003, 32009, 32004, 32012, 32005, 32006, 32015, 32007, 32013, 32008, - 32011View allHide
Kits to covalently label dead cells, allowing cells with permeable plasma membranes to be excluded from analysis in flow cytometry. A wide variety of dye options for standard flow, spectral flow, and fluorescence microscopy.