Reactive Oxygen Species Indicators
Amyloid & Neurodegeneration StainsAntibody & Protein Labeling KitsApoptosis & Viability AssaysBuffers, Accessories, & Background ReducersCalcium Indicators & ChelatorsCancer ResearchCell & Organelle StainsCell Cycle AnalysisChromogenic SubstratesDNA Gel Stains & AccessoriesEnzyme SubstratesEquipmentFlow CytometryFluorescence MicroscopyFluorescent Proteins, Nucleotides & Other ConjugatesHRP & Alkaline Phosphatase ConjugatesIn Vivo ImagingLuciferase Reporter Gene AssaysMagnesium, Chloride, pH, Zinc & Other IndicatorsMicrobiologyNeuroscienceNuclear CounterstainsNucleic Acid Quantitation & ExtractionOther qPCR ReagentsPCR & DNA AmplificationPrimary AntibodiesqPCR DyesqPCR Master MixesReactive CF® Dyes, Other Reactive Dyes & Biotinylation ReagentsReagents for Nitric Oxide (NO) & Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)Secondary Antibodies, Anti-Tag Antibodies, & Streptavidin ConjugatesSuper-Resolution ImagingWestern & Protein Analysis
Dihydroethidium (Hydroethidium)
From: $178
Sizes: 25 mgCatalog #: 10057
Dihydroethidium (also called hydroethidium) is the chemically reduced form of the commonly used DNA dye ethidium bromide. The probe is useful to detect oxidative activities in viable cells, including respiratory burst in phagocytes.
Dihydrorhodamine 123
From: $162
Sizes: 10 mgCatalog #: 10055
Dihydrorhodamine 123 is the reduced form of rhodamine 123 (70010), which is a commonly used fluorescent mitochondrial dye.
Dihydrorhodamine 123, Dihydrochloride Salt
From: $179
Sizes: 20 x 500 ug, 10 mgCatalog #:
10056, - 10056-1View allHide
10056, - 10056-1View allHide
Dihydrorhodamine 123 dihydrochloride is functionally equivalent to dihydrorhodamine 123 (10055) but with increased stability toward air oxidation and light during storage.
From: $94
Sizes: 100 mgCatalog #: 10058
H2DCFDA (2′,7′-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate) is a useful fluorogenic reagent to detect reactive oxygen intermediates in cells. On oxidation, H2DCFDA becomes the highly green fluorescent 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein.