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Peacock™ Plus Prestained Protein Marker

A visible three-color protein marker for SDS-PAGE or western blotting, with 12 bands ranging from 8 to 245 kDa.

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50 uL
500 uL
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Product Description

Peacock™ Plus Prestained Protein Marker is a three-color protein ladder that allows you to visually monitor protein separation during SDS-PAGE or protein transfer to membranes for western blotting. We also offer Peacock™ Prestained Protein Marker, a three-color marker with 10 bands ranging from 10 kDa to 180 kDa.

  • 3-color visible protein ladder
  • 12 total protein bands, ranging from 8 kDa to 245 kDa
  • 10 blue bands, plus a red band at 75 kDa and green band at 25 kDa
  • Ready-to-load: no heating required
  • Store at -20°C

The Peacock™ Plus Prestained Marker contains a total of 12 visible bands. This includes 10 blue bands ranging from 8 kDa to 245 kDa, plus a red band at 75 kDa and green band at 25 kDa for easy band identification. Peacock™ Plus Prestained Protein Marker is ready to load with no heating or other preparation needed. Recommended loading is 3-5 uL per well for mini-gels.

Also visit our Protein Detection, Quantitation, & Analysis technology page to learn about our safe and sensitive protein gel stains and western blotting normalization reagents.

Apparent molecular weights of bands in Peacock Plus Prestained Protein Marker on various SDS-PAGE gels.
Comparison of Peacock™ Plus Prestained Protein Marker visible and fluorescent bands on a 10% MOPS PAGE gel. The The blue and green marker bands, but not the orange marker band, can be detected using a near-IR fluorescence imager. Fluorescence was imaged in the 700 channel on a LICORbio Odyssey® M imaging system. Approximate band molecular weights are shown next to each marker.

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