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What is the difference between EvaGreen® and SYBR® Green?

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EvaGreen® dye is spectrally similar to FAM or SYBR® Green I, which means no change in optical settings is required for using an EvaGreen®-based master mix. However, there are several differences between the dyes.

Lower background fluorescence: EvaGreen® dye has less background than SYBR® Green I due to its novel “release-on-demand” DNA-binding mechanism.

Brighter and non-inhibitory:  EvaGreen® is less inhibitory in the PCR reaction than SYBR® Green, permitting the use of saturating dye concentration for maximal signal and better high-resolution DNA melt analysis.

Safer and more environmentally friendly: EvaGreen® dye is the first and only PCR dye to date designed to be environmentally safe.

Dye stability: EvaGreen® dye is very stable both during storage and under PCR conditions. SYBR® Green I, on the other hand, is known to degrade following multiple freeze-thaw cycles and under PCR conditions. Moreover, decomposed SYBR® Green I is reported to be even more inhibitory to PCR.

Digital PCR: EvaGreen® dye is currently the only qPCR dye to be used in droplet digital PCR (ddPCR).

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