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What is the difference between EvaGreen® Dye and EvaGreen® Plus Dye?

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Our original EvaGreen® Dye is a saturating dsDNA binding dye that is superior for quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), high-resolution melt (HRM), digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) and other genomics applications over SYBR® Green I and other commercial PCR dyes. It offers several essential features critical for PCR and related applications including high thermal, chemical and photostability, high sensitivity due to high signal to noise related to its novel ‘release-on-demand’ mechanism, non-inhibitory to PCR, and lack of dye migration.  In addition, EvaGreen® Dye is non-toxic, non-mutagenic, and not hazardous to aquatic life.

EvaGreen® Plus Dye is an advanced version of the original EvaGreen® Dye, retaining the same essential benefits while providing a higher signal-to-noise ratio. This greater sensitivity offers further advantages for digital PCR and isothermal applications.

EvaGreen® Dye is used in all of Biotium’s dye-based qPCR master mixes, which combine superior brightness and sensitivity, with the ability to do melt curve analysis in the same reaction. The new EvaGreen® Plus Dye is available as a stand-alone 20X solution in water.

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