Exosome & EV Staining
CellBrite® Cytoplasmic Membrane Dyes are too prone to aggregation to efficiently stain EVs. Some of the CellBrite® Fix, MemBrite® Fix, and CellBrite® Steady dye options have been reported for this application, however we do not recommend them. For optimal staining of exosome membranes we recommend our ExoBrite™ True EV Membrane Stains, which are novel lipophilic membrane dyes specifically designed and optimized for efficient staining of EV membranes with minimal dye aggregation. See our Extracellular Vesicle Research page for more information about our complete line of EV stains and antibodies.
While early studies of EVs attempted to use first-generation membrane dyes like DiI or PKH to stain EVs, more recently this class of dyes has been found to be largely unsuitable for EV staining due to their high degree of aggregation. Dye aggregation not only generates nonspecific particles that are indistinguishable from EVs in flow cytometry, but also results in poor EV labeling efficiency. Biotium developed the ExoBrite™ True EV Membrane Stains in response to our customers’ difficulties with using traditional membrane dyes to stain EVs. See our Literature Digest for more information.
Yes, EVs can be stained simultaneously with an ExoBrite™ True EV Membrane Stain and a fluorescent antibody.
With purified EVs, we have seen good results when EVs were stained in 500 mL of 1X ExoBrite™ plus 1 ug/mL fluorescent antibody. Please view our Product Information Sheet for detailed protocols.
We strongly recommend our ExoBrite™ Flow Antibody Conjugates for staining both purified or bead-bound EVs. The antibodies are validated and optimized to offer bright signal and low background. They are available against human or mouse CD9, CD63, and CD81 tetraspanin proteins.