No, you don’t always need to use serum from the same species as the secondary antibody for blocking. BSA, fish gelatin, goat serum, or non-fat milk (for western) can be used with secondary antibodies from most host species. However, it is important to avoid using blocking serum from the same host species as your primary antibody that is detected by a secondary antibody against the same species (immunoglobulins in the blocking serum will compete for the secondary binding). For example, avoid using goat serum for blocking if you are using a goat primary antibody with anti-goat secondary antibody.
Our TrueBlack® IF Background Suppressor System and TrueBlack® WB Blocking Buffer Kit contain proteins from non-mammalian sources, and should not interact with secondary antibodies from mammalian or chicken host. Our BSA also is immunoglobulin-free and should not interfere with secondary antibodies.
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