SuperHT PAP Pen 2.0
Pens to draw a water repellent circle around slide mounted tissue to minimize the use of valuable reagents by keeping the liquid pooled in a single droplet. Available in a regular (4 mm tip) and mini (2.5 mm tip) sizes.
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Product Description
The SuperHT PAP Pen 2.0 draws a water repellent circle around slide mounted tissue and prevents the waste of valuable reagents by keeping the liquid contained in a single droplet.
- Draw water repellent barriers around tissue samples on slides
- Conserve precious antibodies and reagents
- Barriers are insoluble to aqueous buffer, detergents, alcohols, and acetone
- Barriers are stable at temperatures up to 120°C
- Regular size: 4 mm tip, ~800 applications
- Mini size: 2.5 mm tip, ~ 400 applications
- REACH-compliant, bromopropane-free formulation
Note: These products are replacements for catalog numbers 22005 and 22006. They contain a modified REACH-compliant, bromopropane-free formulation.
SuperHT Pap Pen 2.0 barriers are insoluble in aqueous buffers, detergents, alcohol and acetone, but can be removed with xylene. Barriers are stable at temperatures up to 120°C.
In the video below, we demonstrate how to use the pap pen.
1. Mol Genet Metab (2015) Feb;117(2):210-6 doi:10.1016/j.ymgme.2015.11.004
2. Mol Cell Proteomics (2018) Sep;17(9):1778-1787 doi:10.1074/mcp.RA118.000680
3. Bio Protoc (2018) April 20; 8(8) doi:10.21769/BioProtoc.2819