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CF®DI Aminooxy

CF®DI Aminooxy derivatives are useful for fluorescently labeling aldehyde/ketone groups on biomolecules such as polysaccharids, glycoproteins or antibodies to generate size- and charge-matched conjugates.

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Product Description

CF®DI aminooxy dyes react with aldehyde/ketone groups on proteins or other biomolecules to form a stable oxime bond. The CF®DI dyes (CF®488DI, CF®555DI and CF®647DI) are designed to match each other for molecular weight and charge. The molecular weights of the same protein conjugated to different CF®DI dye colors are close to each other and the pl of the labeled proteins remains the same.

  • React with carbonyl moieties of aldehyde or ketone groups on proteins and other biomolecules.
  • Size- and charge-matched fluorescent aminooxy dyes.
  • Available in 3 colors for multiplex analysis.

We also offer our original CF® Dye Aminooxy with a wide selection of colors. CF® dyes are next-generation fluorescent dyes with advantages in brightness, photostability, and water solubility compared to other commercially available fluorescent dyes. For more information, download the CF® Dye Brochure.

ProductConjugationEx/EmSizeCatalog No.Purchase
CF®488DI AminooxyCF®488DI483/508 nm1 mg92177Purchase 92177
CF®555DI AminooxyCF®555DI547/572 nm1 mg92178Purchase 92178
CF®647DI AminooxyCF®647DI639/668 nm1 mg92179Purchase 92179


1. Organic Letters (2017) 19, 12: 3179-3182. DOI:10.1021/acs.orglett.7b01198

Download a list of CF® dye references.


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