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CELLDATA RNAstorm™ Fresh Cell and Tissue RNA Isolation Kit

The CELLDATA RNAstorm™ Fresh Cell and Tissue RNA Isolation Kit provides a convenient and efficient method of isolating RNA from fresh or frozen cells or tissue samples.

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Product Description

Purify high quality total RNA from either cultured cells or tissue (fresh or fresh/frozen) in as little as 20 minutes. High yields (up to 120 μg) can be obtained using a simple and quick column-based protocol. Contaminating DNA is removed using a DNase treatment step, and the protocol avoids toxic chemicals such as phenol or chloroform.

  • Purify high quality total RNA in as little as 20 minutes
  • Simple workflow yielding up to 120 μg of RNA
  • DNase treatment included
  • No phenol-chloroform and no ethanol precipitation
  • Isolate RNA for next-gen sequencing (RNA-Seq), RT-PCR, cDNA synthesis, or microarrays

Also see the CELLDATA DNAstorm™ FFPE DNA Extraction Kit and CELLDATA RNAstorm™ FFPE RNA Extraction Kit for extraction of high-quality DNA and RNA from FFPE tissue samples.

Higher RNA Yields

Total RNA was extracted from 107 Jurkat cells, mouse liver tissue (~8 mg) and calf liver tissue (~17 mg) using the RNAstorm™ RNA Isolation Kit and a leading competitor kit. Concentrations were measured using Qubit. For all samples, higher yields were obtained using the RNAstorm™ kit.


High RNA Quality

Electropherograms of total RNA from 106 Jurkat cells, extracted using the RNAstorm™ RNA Isolation Kit and a leading competitor kit. Post extraction samples were analyzed for quality using the Agilent Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Nano assay. The RNAstorm™ kit delivered high quality total RNA with a RNA Integrity Number (RIN) of 10.



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