CF®543 Dye
Exceptional dye for the 543 nm laser
CF®350 is a blue fluorescent dye
Abs/Em Maxima: 347/448 nm
Extinction coefficient: 18,000
Molecular weight: ~ 496
Excitation source: UV
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 350, AMCA,
DyLight® 350
Brighter and more photostable than AMCA
Direct replacement for Alexa Fluor® 350
Highly water soluble and pH-insensitive
Improved brightness & photostability for the 405 nm laser line
Abs/Em Maxima: 404/431 nm
Extinction coefficient: 33,000
Molecular weight: ~ 1,169
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 405, Cascade Blue®,
DyLight® 405
Brighter than Alexa Fluor® 405
Validated for super-resolution imaging by SIM
Improved brightness & photostability for the 405 nm laser line
Abs/Em Maxima: 408/452 nm
Extinction coefficient: 41,000
Molecular weight: ~ 503
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Pacific Blue®, BD Horizon™ V450
More photostable than Pacific Blue®, with less spill-over in the green channel
An excellent choice for super-resolution imaging by SIM
Photostable 405 nm-excitable dyes with green fluorescence
Abs/Em Maxima: 426/498 nm
Extinction coefficient: 40,000
Molecular weight: ~429
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Pacific Green®, BD Horizon™ V500,
Krome Orange™
Abs/Em Maxima: 440/515 nm
Extinction coefficient: 40,000
Molecular weight: ~716
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 430
Photostable dyes suitable for microscopy
Perfect match for the CFP filter set
Highly water soluble and pH-insensitive
Suitable for flow cytometry in the AmCyan channel
A 405 nm-excitable dye with green fluorescence emission
Abs/Em Maxima: 395/545 nm
Extinction coefficient: 24,000
Molecular weight: ~1573
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Pacific Orange®
Expands potential detection channels for the 405 nm laser line
A spectrally unique, 405 nm-excitable green dye
Abs/Em Maxima: 450/538 nm
Extinction coefficient: 40,000
Molecular weight: ~689
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
A spectrally unique, 405 nm-excitable green dye.
A superior green fluorescent dye
Abs/Em Maxima: 490/515 nm
Extinction coefficient: 70,000
Molecular weight: ~914
Excitation laser line: 488 nm
Alternative for: Alexa Fluor® 488, DyLight® 488,
FITC, Cy®2
Minimally charged, for less non-specific binding than Alexa Fluor® 488
Narrower emission spectrum for less bleed to red
Very photostable
Compatible with super-resolution imaging by TIRF
Highly water soluble and pH-insensitive
A spectrally unique green dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry
Abs/Em maxima: 503/532 nm
Extinction coefficient: 90,000
Molecular weight: ~1100
Excitation laser line: 488 nm
Direct replacement for: ATTO 488
A spectrally unique green dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry
Alternative green fluorescent dye
Abs/Em Maxima: 516/548 nm
Extinction coefficient: 105,000
Molecular weight: ~1216
Excitation laser line: 488 nm
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 514
Image using the same settings as FITC or CF®488A
Can be distinguished from CF®488A in the same specimen by spectral imaging and linear unmixing
A bright green fluorescent dye for the 532 nm laser
Abs/Em Maxima: 527/558 nm
Extinction coefficient: 96,000
Molecular weight: ~ 685
Excitation laser line: 532 nm
Direct replacement for: Alexa Fluor® 532, Atto 532
Designed for the 532 nm laser
Brighter than Alexa Fluor® 532
Highly water-soluble and pH-insensitive
An orange fluorescent dye ideal for the 543 nm laser
Abs/Em Maxima: 541/560 nm
Extinction coefficient: 100,000
Molecular weight: ~ 870
Excitation laser line: 532 nm, 543 nm, or
546 nm
Direct replacement for: Alexa Fluor® 546,
Optimized for the 543 nm laser
Yields the brightest conjugates among spectrally similar dyes
Highly water-soluble and pH-insensitive
A red fluorescent dye designed for STORM super-resolution imaging
Abs/Em Maxima: 535/568 nm
Extinction coefficient: 95,000
Molecular weight: ~728
Excitation laser line: 532 nm
Designed specifically for super-resolution imaging by STORM
A spectrally unique orange/red dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry
Abs/Em maxima: 551/577 nm
Extinction coefficient: 100,000
Molecular weight: ~686
Excitation laser line: 532 nm or 568 nm
A spectrally unique orange/red dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry
A bright and photostable orange-red dye