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Astral Leap™ Tandem Dyes

Exceptionally Bright Long Stokes Shift Dyes to Maximize Your Flow Results

Expands Flow Cytometry Multiplexing
Unique long Stokes shift tandem dyes for flow cytometry
Developed for Optimal Performance
Utilizes breakthrough chemical engineering for maximum FRET and signal:noise
Available for Validated Primary Antibodies
Flow tested antibodies for important immune and exosome targets
CF® Dye Spectrum:
CF®350 Dye

CF®350 is a blue fluorescent dye

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF350
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 347/448 nm
Extinction coefficient: 18,000
Molecular weight: ~ 496
Excitation source: UV
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 350, AMCA,
DyLight® 350


Brighter and more photostable than AMCA
Direct replacement for Alexa Fluor® 350
Highly water soluble and pH-insensitive

CF®405S Dye

Improved brightness & photostability for the 405 nm laser line

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF405S
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 404/431 nm
Extinction coefficient: 33,000
Molecular weight: ~ 1,169
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 405, Cascade Blue®,
DyLight® 405


Brighter than Alexa Fluor®  405
Validated for super-resolution imaging by SIM

CF®405M Dye

Improved brightness & photostability for the 405 nm laser line

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF405M
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 408/452 nm
Extinction coefficient: 41,000
Molecular weight: ~ 503
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Pacific Blue®, BD Horizon™ V450


More photostable than Pacific Blue®, with less spill-over in the green channel

An excellent choice for super-resolution imaging by SIM

CF®430 & CF®440 Dyes

Photostable 405 nm-excitable dyes with green fluorescence

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF430CF440
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 426/498 nm
Extinction coefficient: 40,000
Molecular weight: ~429
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Pacific Green®, BD Horizon™ V500,
Krome Orange™

Abs/Em Maxima: 440/515 nm
Extinction coefficient: 40,000
Molecular weight: ~716
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 430


Photostable dyes suitable for microscopy
Perfect match for the CFP filter set
Highly water soluble and pH-insensitive
Suitable for flow cytometry in the AmCyan channel

CF®405L Dye

A 405 nm-excitable dye with green fluorescence emission

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF405L
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 395/545 nm
Extinction coefficient: 24,000
Molecular weight: ~1573
Excitation laser line: 405 nm
Replaces: Pacific Orange®


Expands potential detection channels for the 405 nm laser line

CF®450 Dye

A spectrally unique, 405 nm-excitable green dye

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF450
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 450/538 nm
Extinction coefficient: 40,000
Molecular weight: ~689
Excitation laser line: 405 nm


A spectrally unique, 405 nm-excitable green dye.

CF®488A Dye

A superior green fluorescent dye

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF488A
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 490/515 nm
Extinction coefficient: 70,000
Molecular weight: ~914
Excitation laser line: 488 nm
Alternative for: Alexa Fluor® 488, DyLight® 488,
FITC, Cy®2


Minimally charged, for less non-specific binding than Alexa Fluor® 488
Narrower emission spectrum for less bleed to red
Very photostable
Compatible with super-resolution imaging by TIRF
Highly water soluble and pH-insensitive

CF®503R Dye

A spectrally unique green dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF503R
Technical Summary

Abs/Em maxima: 503/532 nm
Extinction coefficient: 90,000
Molecular weight: ~1100
Excitation laser line: 488 nm
Direct replacement for: ATTO 488


A spectrally unique green dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry

CF®514 Dye

Alternative green fluorescent dye

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF514
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 516/548 nm
Extinction coefficient: 105,000
Molecular weight: ~1216
Excitation laser line: 488 nm
Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 514


Image using the same settings as FITC or CF®488A
Can be distinguished from CF®488A in the same specimen by spectral imaging and linear unmixing

CF®532 Dye

A bright green fluorescent dye for the 532 nm laser

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF532
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 527/558 nm
Extinction coefficient: 96,000
Molecular weight: ~ 685
Excitation laser line: 532 nm
Direct replacement for: Alexa Fluor® 532, Atto 532


Designed for the 532 nm laser
Brighter than Alexa Fluor® 532
Highly water-soluble and pH-insensitive

CF®543 Dye

An orange fluorescent dye ideal for the 543 nm laser

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF543
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 541/560 nm
Extinction coefficient: 100,000
Molecular weight: ~ 870
Excitation laser line: 532 nm, 543 nm, or
546 nm
Direct replacement for: Alexa Fluor® 546,


Optimized for the 543 nm laser
Yields the brightest conjugates among spectrally similar dyes
Highly water-soluble and pH-insensitive

CF®535ST Dye

A red fluorescent dye designed for STORM super-resolution imaging

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF535ST
Technical Summary

Abs/Em Maxima: 535/568 nm
Extinction coefficient: 95,000
Molecular weight: ~728
Excitation laser line: 532 nm


Designed specifically for super-resolution imaging by STORM

CF®550R Dye

A spectrally unique orange/red dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)CF550R
Technical Summary

Abs/Em maxima: 551/577 nm
Extinction coefficient: 100,000
Molecular weight: ~686
Excitation laser line: 532 nm or 568 nm


A spectrally unique orange/red dye ideal for spectral flow cytometry

CF®555 Dye

A bright and photostable orange-red dye

300400500600700800900Wavelength (nm)