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Cyanine NS Dye Succinimidyl Ester

Cyanine NS succinimidyl esters are non-sulfonated cyanine dyes that can be used to label proteins, oligonucleotides and nucleic acids.

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Product Description

Cyanine NS succinimidyl esters are non-sulfonated cyanine dyes that can be used to label proteins, oligonucleotides and nucleic acids. Available in 3 colors, Cyanine 488NS, Cyanine 555NS,  and Cyanine 647NS are non-sulfonated versions of Cyanine 488, Cyanine 555, and Cyanine 647, respectively. They are designed to match by charge and molecular weight for 2D DIGE platform. Biotium offers these dyes as high quality amine-reactive succinimidyl esters.

Cyanine 488NS

  • Ex/Em 483/508 nm
  • MW: 677
  • MW added to protein: 437
  • Orange solid soluble in DMF or DMSO
  • Store desiccated at -20°C; protect from light
Cyanine 488NS succinimidyl ester


Cyanine 555NS

  • Ex/Em 547/572 nm
  • MW: 682
  • MW added to protein: 441
  • Red solid soluble in DMF or DMSO
  • Store desiccated at -20°C; protect from light
Cyanine 555NS succinimidyl ester


Cyanine 647NS

  • Ex/Em 639/668 nm
  • MW: 680
  • MW added to protein: 439
  • Dark blue solid soluble in DMF or DMSO
  • Store desiccated at -20°C; protect from light
Cyanine 647NS succinimidyl ester

Also see sulfonated Cyanine Dye Succinimidyl Esters and our CF® Dye Succinimidyl Esters, available with more than 20 bright and photostable CF® Dyes.


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