An array of stains and assays for microbiological organisms such as bacteria, yeast and viruses.
For bacteria, we offer viability assays, fluorescent gram stain kits, and nucleic acid stains.
For yeast, find viability assays and other stains.
Learn more about viability PCR using PMAxx™ or PMA, a fast, quantitative method to measure viability of the organisms in your sample.
Live-or-Dye™ Fixable Viability Staining Kits
32016, 32017, 32018-T, 32002-T, 32014-T, 32003-T, 32009-T, 32004-T, 32012-T, 32015-T, 32005-T, 32007-T, 32006-T, 32013-T, 32008-T, 32011-T, 32018, 32002, 32014, 32003, 32009, 32004, 32012, 32005, 32006, 32015, 32007, 32013, 32008, - 32011View allHide
Kits to covalently label dead cells, allowing cells with permeable plasma membranes to be excluded from analysis in flow cytometry. A wide variety of dye options for standard flow, spectral flow, and fluorescence microscopy.
ViaFluor® SE Cell Proliferation Kits
30139, 30139-T, 30068-T, 30068, 30086-T, 30086, - 30050View allHide
Fixable cytoplasmic stains for monitoring cell division by flow cytometry. The dyes can also be used to track cell populations in co-culture.
Bacterial Viability and Gram Stain Kit
A convenient assay for distinguishing between gram-negative and gram-positive, as well as live versus dead bacteria.
Live Bacterial Gram Stain Kit
32000, - 32000-1View allHide
A fluorescent staining kit for live cell gram staining in bacteria. Suitable for fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry.
LysoView™ Dyes
70086, 70086-T, 70085, 70085-T, 70084, 70084-T, 70083, 70083-T, 70058, 70059-T, 70059, 70061, 70061-T, 70058-T, 70067, 70067-T, 70066, - 70066-TView allHide
LysoView™ fluorescent dyes label lysosomes in live cells without a wash step, and are available in multiple colors with options for super-resolution imaging.
Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay Kit for Bacteria Live & Dead Cells
This kit provides two-color fluorescence staining of both live bacteria (green) and dead bacteria (red) using two DNA dyes, DMAO and EthD-III.
ViaVac™ Red/Green (FUN®1)
A fluorescent vitality dye for yeast, identical in structure to the dye FUN® 1. Living yeast cells show red fluorescent vacuolar tubules.
Yeast Live-or-Dye™ Fixable Live/Dead Staining Kit
A fixable, fluorescent assay to determine yeast viability. Contains two fluorescent components, Thiazole Orange and Live-or-Dye™ 568/583.
Yeast Viability Staining Kit
31063-1, 31063-2, - 31063-3View allHide
A rapid and selective fluorescent assay to determine yeast viability in microscopy or flow cytometry applications. Contains two fluorescent components, CF® Dye-labeled Con A and Live-or-Dye™.
Yeast Vitality Staining Kit
A fluorogenic assay that allows you to determine whether your yeast cells are metabolically active. Contains two fluorescent components, Calcofluor White and ViaVac™ Red/Green.
Calcofluor White Stain, 5 mM in Water
A fluorescent blue dye that binds to cellulose and chitin, which can be found in the cell walls of fungi, algae, and plants. In budding yeast Calcofluor White strongly stains bud scars.
Concanavalin A (Con A) CF® Dye Conjugates
29136, 29015, 29016, 29017, 29018, 29019, 29020, 29058, 29074, 29075, - 29080View allHide
A lectin labeled with our superior fluorescent CF® dyes is an effective and widely used cell surface stain for yeast, fungi, and mammalian cells.
DMAO, 2 mM in DMSO
A membrane-permeable DNA dye, excellent for staining both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Stained cells can be detected by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.
Ethidium Homodimer III (EthD-III)
A red fluorescent dead cell stain for bacteria and mammalian cells that is brighter than Ethidium Homodimer I.
Ethidium Homodimer III (EthD-III), 1 mM in DMSO
A red fluorescent dead cell stain for bacteria and mammalian cells
Light-on LysoView™ 555
70060, - 70060-TView allHide
Light-On LysoView™ 555 is a red fluorogenic lysosome dye with pH-dependent fluorescence. Light-On LysoView™ dye is unique among commercially available lysosomotropic dyes in that its fluorescence in cells is activated by exposure to UV excitation.