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Calprotectin (MRP14)(S100A9) Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (CAGB/426)

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Note: Please be advised that primary antibodies with catalog numbers that begin with “BN” will only be offered conjugated to CF®405S, CF®488A, CF®568, CF®594, CF®640R, CF®647, and biotin as of 5/27/2022. However, previously available primary antibody conjugates that are in stock will remain available until inventory is exhausted. Please view the list of available conjugates on the product page. We also recommend our easy-to-use Mix-n-StainTM Antibody Labeling Kits for labeling antibodies with all CF® Dyes. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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50 uL
100 uL
500 uL
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Product Description

Calprotectin is a heteroduplex of Protein S100-A8/A9 (also called MRP-8/14, or Calgranulin A/B). This antibody recognizes the 14 kDa B component (Protein S100-A9) of the complex. Protein S100-A9 is a member of the S100 family of proteins containing 2 EF-hand calcium-binding motifs. Altered expression of this protein is associated with the disease cystic fibrosis. This antibody reacts with neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and squamous mucosal epithelia and has been shown as an important marker for identifying macrophages in tissue sections.

This antibody is available purified with BSA/azide at 200 ug/mL, or BSA/azide-free at 1 mg/mL.


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