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Cytochrome C Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (6H2.B4)

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Product Description

Cytochrome c is a well-characterized mobile electron transport protein that is essential to energy conversion in all aerobic organisms. In mammalian cells, this highly conserved protein is normally localized to the mitochondrial inter-membrane space. More recent studies have identified cytosolic cytochrome c as a factor necessary for activation of apoptosis. During apoptosis, cytochrome c is trans-located from the mitochondrial membrane to the cytosol, where it is required for activation of caspase-3 (CPP32). Overexpression of Bcl-2 has been shown to prevent the translocation of cytochrome c, thereby blocking the apoptotic process. Overexpression of Bax has been shown to induce the release of cytochrome c and to induce cell death. The release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria is thought to trigger an apoptotic cascade, whereby Apaf-1 binds to Apaf-3 (caspase-9) in a cytochrome c-dependent manner, leading to caspase-9 cleavage of caspase-3. Catalog number key for antibody number 0184, Anti-Cytochrome c (6H2.B4) 

Antibody # prefixConjugationEx/Em (nm)Laser lineDetection channelDye Features
BNC04CF®405S404/431405DAPI (microscopy), AF405CF®405S Features
BNC88CF®488A490/515488GFP, FITCCF®488A Features
BNC68CF®568562/583532, 561RFP, TRITCCF®568 Features
BNC94CF®594593/614561Texas Red®CF®594 Features
BNC40CF®640R642/662633-640Cy®5CF®640R Features
BNC47CF®647650/665633-640Cy®5CF®647 Features
BNC74CF®740742/767633-685775/50CF®740 Features
Alexa Fluor, Pacific Blue, Pacific Orange, and Texas Red are trademarks or registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific; Cy is a registered trademark of Cytiva; IRDye, LI-COR, and Odyssey are registered trademarks of LI-COR Bioscience.

Note: Listed references are for this antibody clone sold by Biotium and other suppliers.


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