CDw75 Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (LN-1)
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Product Description
Recognizes a neuraminidase-sensitive sialoprotein (CDw75), present on cell membrane and cytoplasm of germinal center B-cells and derived lymphomas. This MAb reacts with RBC precursors of bone marrow, ductal and ciliated epithelial cells of kidney, breast, prostate, pancreas, lung, and with glioblastomas, astrocytomas, and Reed Sternberg cells in lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin’s disease. It is shown to be a helpful antibody for ascribing a B-cell phenotype in known lymphoid tissues.
This antibody is available purified with BSA/azide at 200 ug/mL, or BSA/azide-free at 1 mg/mL.
Catalog number key for antibody number 0055, Anti-CDw75 (LN-1)
Antibody # prefix | Conjugation | Ex/Em (nm) | Laser line | Detection channel | Dye Features |
BNC04 | CF®405S | 404/431 | 405 | DAPI (microscopy), AF405 | CF®405S Features |
BNC88 | CF®488A | 490/515 | 488 | GFP, FITC | CF®488A Features |
BNC68 | CF®568 | 562/583 | 532, 561 | RFP, TRITC | CF®568 Features |
BNC94 | CF®594 | 593/614 | 561 | Texas Red® | CF®594 Features |
BNC40 | CF®640R | 642/662 | 633-640 | Cy®5 | CF®640R Features |
BNC47 | CF®647 | 650/665 | 633-640 | Cy®5 | CF®647 Features |
BNC74 | CF®740 | 742/767 | 633-685 | 775/50 | CF®740 Features |
BNCB | Biotin | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
BNUB | Purified | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
BNUM | Purified, BSA-free | N/A | N/A | N/A |
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