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Blood Group Antigen A Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (HE-193)

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Product Attributes

Antibody number


Antibody reactivity (target)

Blood Group A, Forssman Antigen

Antibody type


Host species







IgM, kappa

Molecular weight



ABO Type A; Blood Group A; Forssman antigen

Human gene symbol


Entrez gene ID







Mixture of erythrocytes of blood group A and glycoprotein fraction isolated from the saliva of secretors with blood group A

Verified antibody applications

IHC (FFPE) (verified)

Antibody target cellular localization

Plasma membrane

Species reactivity


Antibody application notes

Immunohistology formalin-fixed 0.5-1.0 ug/mL, Staining of formalin/paraffin tissues requires boiling tissue sections in 10 mM citrate buffer, pH 6.0, for 10-20 min followed by cooling at RT for 20 min, Immunofluorescence 0.5-1 ug/mL, Optimal dilution for a specific application should be determined by user

Positive control

KG1 cells or human colorectal carcinoma tissues.

Shipping condition

Room temperature

Storage Conditions

Store at 2 to 8 °C, Note: store BSA-free antibodies at -10 to -35 °C

Shelf life

Guaranteed for at least 24 months from date of receipt when stored as recommended

Regulatory status

For research use only (RUO)

Antibody/conjugate formulation

Conjugates: 0.1 mg/mL in PBS/0.1% BSA/0.05% azide, HRP conjugates: 0.1 mg/mL in PBS/0.05% BSA, Purified: 0.2 mg/mL in PBS/0.05% BSA/0.05% azide, Purified, BSA-free: 1 mg/mL in PBS without azide

Antibody research areas

Cancer, Hematology

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Note: Please be advised that primary antibodies with catalog numbers that begin with “BN” will only be offered conjugated to CF®405S, CF®488A, CF®568, CF®594, CF®640R, CF®647, and biotin as of 5/27/2022. However, previously available primary antibody conjugates that are in stock will remain available until inventory is exhausted. Please view the list of available conjugates on the product page. We also recommend our easy-to-use Mix-n-StainTM Antibody Labeling Kits for labeling antibodies with all CF® Dyes. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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50 uL
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Product Description

This antibody is applicable for staining ABO blood group A (monofucosyl and difucosyl A antigens with chain types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). It also recognizes Forssman antigen. The histo-blood group ABO involves three carbohydrate antigens: A, B, and H. Blood group antigens are generally defined as molecules formed by sequential addition of saccharides to the carbohydrate side chains of lipids and proteins detected on erythrocytes and certain epithelial cells. Blood group related antigens represent a group of carbohydrate determinants carried on both glycolipids and glycoproteins. They are usually mucin-type, and are detected on erythrocytes, certain epithelial cells, and in secretions of certain individuals. Sixteen genetically and biosynthetically distinct but inter-related specificities belong to this group of antigens, including A, B, H, Lewis A, Lewis B, Lewis X, Lewis Y, and precursor type 1 chain antigen.

This antibody is available purified with BSA/azide at 200 ug/mL, or BSA/azide-free at 1 mg/mL.


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