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Nuclear Stains

Dyes for Live & Fixed Cells

Bright and specific nuclear counterstains from green to near-IR
Low-toxicity nuclear stains for imaging live cells for up to 72 hours
Superior antifade mounting media available with DAPI or far-red NucSpot® 640 counterstain
Nuclear-specific counterstains that serve as improved alternatives to Draq5™ and Draq7™
A unique fixable dead cell nucleic acid stain for flow cytometry and microscopy
High purity and low cost forms of TOTO®-1, YOYO®-1, TOTO®-3, and other cell-impermeant DNA stains
Check out our curated list of nuclear stains validated for analyzing DNA content/cell cycle by flow cytometry

View Our Full List of Nuclear Stains

Free up the DAPI channel with NucSpot® Counterstains

Bright & Specific Nuclear Staining from Green to Near-IR

NucSpot® Nuclear Stains are bright and specific counterstains for fixed cells in a variety of colors from green to near-infrared (near-IR). The stains have minimal fluorescence until they bind to DNA and can be used for no-wash nuclear staining. Unlike other nucleic acid dyes that stain both the nucleus and cytoplasm, NucSpot® Nuclear Stains selectively stain the nucleus in fixed and permeabilized cells without the need for RNase treatment.

NucSpot® Nuclear Stains can be used for selective staining of dead cells in unfixed cell cultures for analysis by flow cytometry or fluorescence imaging. Several of the stains can be continuously incubated with cells for multi-day imaging (see table on page 2). NucSpot® 470 and NucSpot® Far-Red can be used for DNA content analysis of cell cycle by flow cytometry in fixed and permeabilized cells.

NucSpot® Advantages

  • Bright, specific staining, no RNase treatment needed
  • Available in 7 colors from green to near-IR
  • Selectively stain dead cells in live culture
  • Minimal fluorescence until they bind to DNA
  • 10 minute incubation, no wash required
  • For microscopy or flow cytometry, with dye options for cell cycle profiling


NucSpot® Nuclear Stains

Wide Selection of Colors for Maximum Flexibility

PFA-fixed, Triton® X-100 permeabilized HeLa cells stained with NucSpot® Nuclear Stains in PBS and imaged by confocal microscopy without a wash step. All stains were used at 1X concentration except for NucSpot® 750/780, which was used at 5X concentration in order to image using 640 nm excitation.

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Nuclear Stains Designed and Validated for Live Cells

Low-Toxicity Stains for Real-Time Imaging

NucSpot® Live Nuclear Stains are low-toxicity stains that offer nuclear staining for real-time imaging. No-wash is required and staining is stable for up to 72 hours. NucSpot® Live 488 has green fluorescence (Ex/Em 500/515 nm), while NucSpot® Live 650 has far-red fluorescence (650/675 nm) for detection in the Cy®5 channel. Unlike Draq5™, NucSpot® Live 650 has low cytotoxicity and can be used for longer term imaging. NucSpot® Live 650 dye is also compatible with super-resolution imaging by SIM and STED.

The dyes are supplied as 1000X stock solutions in DMSO, and are supplied with a vial of the efflux pump inhibitor verapamil for optional use, which may increase probe retention and live cell staining in some cell types.

NucSpot® Live Advantages

  • No wash, nuclear stains
  • Low-toxicity for real-time live cell imaging
  • Fix before or after labeling
  • NucSpot® Live 650 compatible with SIM, STED, or STORM
  • Choose green or far-red fluorescence


NucSpot® Live Cell Nuclear Stains

Live Cell Staining for Up to 72 hours

Time course of live MCF-7 cell staining with NucSpot® Live 488, with or without verapamil. Dye and verapamil were added at time 0 and incubated with cells continuously for three days. Verapamil improves dye retention and staining. NucSpot® Live 488 with verapamil showed no obvious toxicity in MCF-7 cells over the course of 72 hours. With longer incubation times, some extranuclear staining can be observed.

Optional Efflux Pump Inhibitor for Brighter and More Even Staining

Comparison of NucSpot® Live 650 staining of live MCF-7 cells with or without verapamil. Dye and verapamil were added at time 0, and incubated with the cells continuously for 24 hours at 37°C. In some cell types, verapamil can enhance dye retention, leading to brighter and more even staining.

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Mounting Media with Nuclear Counterstains

High performance antifade mounting media with DAPI

Biotium’s EverBrite™ line of mounting media are a revolutionary antifade mounting media optimally formulated for preserving fluorescence of our CF® Dyes and other fluorochromes. EverBrite™ Mounting Medium is available in wet-set and hardset formulations with and without DAPI. The EverBrite™ Hardset Mounting Medium hardens completely to form a permanent seal at room temperature in 24 hours and is also available with NucSpot® 640 far-red counterstain. Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™ Mounting Medium is also available with DAPI and provides the wet-set EverBrite™ formulation in a convenient dropper bottle for easy dispensing.

EverBrite™ Mounting Medium Features

  • Antifade mounting medium optimally formulated to prevent photobleaching of fluorophores
  • Available in wet-set or hardset formulations
  • Available with DAPI, hardest formulation available with NucSpot® 640
  • Refractive index is well-matched to that of coverslip glass and immersion oil
  • Wet-set formulation available as convenient Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™
Rat intestine cryosection stained with CF®568 Phalloidin (red) and mounted in Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™ with DAPI (nuclei are stained blue).

EverBrite™ Mounting Media Products

ProductNuclear CounterstainCat. No.Features
EverBrite™ Mounting MediumNone23001• Wet-set mounting medium
• Requires coverslip sealing
• Refractive index 1.46
EverBrite™ with DAPIDAPI23002
Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™ Mounting MediumNone23008• Wet-set mounting medium
• Convenient dropper bottle
• Ideal for wells & chambers
• Refractive index 1.42
Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™ with DAPIDAPI23009
EverBrite™ Hardset Mounting MediumNone23003• Hard-set mounting medium
• Forms hard seal after 24 h
• No coverslip sealing needed
• Refractive index 1.46 after curing
EverBrite™ Hardset with DAPIDAPI23004
EverBrite™ Hardset with NucSpot® 640NucSpot® 64023016
EverBrite TrueBlack® Hardset Mounting MediumNone23017• Unique antifade with lipofuscin quenching
• Quenches as it hardens, with low background
EverBrite TrueBlack® Hardset with DAPIDAPI23018
EverBrite TrueBlack® Hardset with NucSpot® 640NucSpot® 64023019
CoverGrip™ Coverslip SealantN/A23005• For sealing edges of wet-set coverslips
* Note: NucSpot® 640 also have dim fluorescence with the DAPI filter set, and should be tested for suitability with blue probes, especially for epifluorescence imaging.

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Unique Alternatives to Draq5™ and Draq7

Easily add RedDot™ 1 or RedDot™ 2 to your multicolor panel with an emission profile well separated from red, green, and blue probes.

RedDot™ 1
Cell membrane-permeant RedDot™ 1 stains the nuclei of live cells rapidly and specifically with a spectral profile similar to Draq5™. Validated applications for RedDot™ 1 include staining nuclei in live organisms and cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry. Note: For long-term live cell imaging experiments, we recommend our NucSpot® Live Stains.


RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water
RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in DMSO
Live MCF-7 cells stained with CF®488A WGA (green) and RedDot™ 1 far-red nuclear stain (red).

RedDot™ 2
Cell membrane-impermeant RedDot™ 2 has a spectral profile similar to Draq7™ with excellent selectivity for dead cells. Our NucView® 488 and RedDot™ 2 Apoptosis & Necrosis Kit pairs RedDot™ 2 with NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Substrate for detection of apoptotic and necrotic cells. Unlike Draq7™, RedDot™ 2 staining is nuclear specific and provides excellent counterstaining without special blocking steps. RedDot™ 2 has been validated for tissue clearing protocols such as CUBIC.


RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in DMSO
Formaldehyde-fixed MCF-7 cells stained with CD47 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (IAP/964 + B6H12.2) and CF®488A Goat Anti-Mouse (green). Nuclei are stained with RedDot™ 2 (magenta).

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Fixable Dead-Cell Selective Nuclear Staining

Stable Nuclear Labeling of Dead Cells

Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red is a unique, cell membrane impermeant dye that stains the nuclei of dead cells. Unlike other commonly used nuclear stains such as propidium iodide (PI) or DRAQ7™, Live-or-Dye NucFix™ labeling is covalent, so the dye doesn’t transfer between cells after fixation. Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red can be used for flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.

Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red Advantages

  • Stains the nucleus in dead cells
  • Withstands fixation and permeabilization
  • Labeling much more stable than PI and similar stains
  • Dead-cell selective in mammalian cells, yeast, or gram-negative bacteria
  • Suitable for microscopy or flow cytometry
Discrimination of live and dead cells using the Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red Fixable Viability Stain. A. Live or heat-killed Jurkat cells were stained with Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red. Heat killed cells (solid peak) showed much higher fluorescence intensity compared to live cells (white peak), allowing the two populations to be clearly distinguished. B. Ethanol-treated HeLa cells were stained with NucFix™ Red together with Hoechst to label all cell nuclei. Killed cells show bright, red nuclear Live-or-Dye™ fluorescence staining, compared to no staining seen in live cells (blue Hoechst-stained nuclei).
Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red Staining Kit

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Dead Cell Selective Counterstains

Cyanine-based cell membrane-impermeant nucleic acid stains such as Oxazole Blue (PO-PRO™-1), Oxazole Yellow (YO-PRO®-1), and Thiazole Red (TO-PRO®-3) are dead cell selective stains suitable for flow cytometry. This results in bright and sensitive staining that is localized to the nucleus in dead or dying cells. In addition, staining with these dyes can be done directly in cell culture medium without the need for washing. These dyes are generally known by their Thermo Fisher Scientific brand names and are available from blue to far-red. Biotium offers chemically equivalent forms of these dead cell selective stains at a high purity and lower cost.


Equivalent to

Color (Ex/Em)

Catalog No.

Oxazole Blue, 1 mM in DMSOPO-PRO™-1Blue (434/457 nm) 40091
Oxazole Blue Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSOPOPO™-1Blue (433/457 nm) 40093
Oxazole Yellow, 1 mM in DMSOYO-PRO®-1Green (491/506 nm) 40089
Oxazole Yellow Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSOYOYO®-1Green (491/508 nm) 40090
TO Iodide, 1 mM in DMSOTO-PRO®-1Green (515/531 nm)40088
Thiazole Orange Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSOTOTO®-1Green (514/531 nm)40079
Oxazole Red, 1 mM in DMSOYO-PRO®-3Far-red (613/629 nm)40105
Oxazole Red Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSOYOYO®-3Far-red (612/631 nm)40106
Thiazole Red, 1 mM in DMSOTO-PRO®-3Far-red (642/657 nm)40087
Thiazole Red Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSOTOTO®-3Far-red (642/661 nm)40080
YOYO, YO-PRO, POPO, PO-PRO, TOTO, and TO-PRO are trademarks and registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Click the button on the right to view our our full selection of stains and viability assays for flow cytometry.

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Nuclear Stains for Cell Cycle Analysis

Nuclear stains are often used for studying the distinct phases of the cell cycle by flow cytometry. The stains bind DNA stoichiometrically and will show fluorescence in proportion to the DNA content of cells in G1, S, or G2 phases of the cell cycle. The stains mentioned below are validated for cell cycle profiling. Biotium also offers classic dye options for cell cycle analysis, including PI and 7-AAD.

RedDot™ 1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain

RedDot™ 1 is a novel far-red nuclear stain developed at Biotium that can be used for cell cycle distribution analysis in live cells. In addition, RedDot™ 1 cell cycle analysis does not require an RNase step unlike the classic nuclear stain Propidium Iodide (PI). RedDot™ 1 can also be used as a far-red nuclear counterstain for live
cells in microscopy.

  • Far-red cell membrane-permeant nuclear dye similar to Draq5™.
  • Can be used for DNA content analysis by flow cytometry like Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Ruby
  • Highly thermostable and photostable, for convenient handling
RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water – 25 uL
RedDot™ 1 performs comparably to Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Ruby for DNA content flow cytometry analysis in live cells. Live Jurkat cells were stained with 1X RedDot™ 1 or Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Ruby for 30 minutes, then analyzed using a BD LSRII flow cytometer with 633 nm excitation and 710/50 BP filter.

NucSpot® 470 Nuclear Stain

NucSpot® 470 is a cell membrane-impermeant green fluorescent DNA stain for nuclear counterstaining of fixed cells, or selective staining of dead cells.

  • Nuclear-specific green counterstain for fixed cells
  • Selective detection of dead cells by flow cytometry in the FITC channel
  • Perform cell cycle profiling by flow cytometry in fixed/permeabilized cells
  • No wash required
Cell cycle profiling by flow cytometric DNA content analysis in fixed/permeabilized cells using NucSpot® 470. Jurkat cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for minutes at RT, then stained with 8X NucSpot® 470 in PBS with 0.1% Triton® X-100 for 15 minutes at room temperature. Cells were analyzed on a BD LSRII flow cytometer in the FITC channel on linear scale.

NucSpot® Far-Red Nuclear Stain

NucSpot® Far-Red is an improved alternative to the popular flow cytometry dead cell dye 7-AAD. It has red-shifted fluorescence emission compared to 7-AAD, for less bleed-through fluorescence in the PE-Texas Red® channel.

  • Improved alternative to 7-AAD with less bleed-through fluorescence in the PE-Texas Red® channel
  • Selective detection of dead cells by flow cytometry in the PE-Cy®5 or APC channel
  • Perform cell cycle profiling by flow cytometry in fixed/permeabilized cells
  • Substitute for 7-AAD in any standard protocol
NucSpot® Far-Red, 1000X in DMSO – 50 uL
Jurkat cells were fixed with ice-cold methanol, then stained with 10X NucSpot® Far-Red in PBS for 15 minutes. Cells were analyzed on a BD LSRII flow cytometer in the APC channel on linear scale.

Dyes for Cell Cycle Analysis

Catalog No.

Live or Fixed Cells?RNase treatment required?

Color (Ex/Em*)


NucSpot® 470 Nuclear Stain, 1000X in DMSO 40083FixedNoGreen
(460/546 nm)
• Nuclear-specific green counterstain for fixed cells
• Selectively stains dead cells in live cultures
• Excellent match for blue LED excitation sources
Propidium Iodide, 100 mg40016FixedYesRed
(530/622 nm)
• Widely used dead cell stain
• Can be excited by 488 nm laser line for detection in the PE channel
Propidium Iodide, 1 mg/mL in Water40017
Propidium Iodide Buffer, 50 ug/mL40048
7-AAD, 1 mg 40037FixedNoFar-red
(546/647 nm)
• Far-red dye for detection in the PE-Cy®5 channel
• Can be excited by the 488 nm or 532 nm laser line
7-AAD, 1 mg/mL solution 40084
NucSpot® Far-Red, 1000X in DMSO40085FixedNoFar-red
(597/667 nm)
• Designed as improved replacement for 7-AAD
• For the PE-Cy®5 or APC channel
• Less bleed into the PE-Texas Red® channel
RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water 40060LiveNoFar-red
(662/694 nm)
• For short-term live cell staining (≤4 hours)
• Useful for cell number normalization for In Cell Western®
• Can be excited at wavelengths between 488 and 647 nm
• Detect in Cy®5 or APC channel
* When bound to nucleic acids
Cy Dye is a registered trademark of Cytiva. In Cell Western is a registered trademarks of LI-COR Inc.

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Full List of Nuclear Stains

See below for our full selection of nuclear stains sorted by emission. Biotium also carries high purity and low cost forms of classic nuclear stains such as DAPI, Hoechst, Propidium Iodide (PI), and 7-AAD.

For more application specific information, please see our nuclear stains comparison table.

Nuclear Stains


Color (Ex/Em*)


For live /
fixed cells

Fix after


EverBrite™ Mounting Medium w/DAPI
EverBrite™ Hardset w/DAPI
Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™ w/DAPI
(358/461 nm)
N/AMounting fixed samplesN/A• Hardset and wet-set mounting media
• Broad dye compatibility
• Available with DAPI for one-step mounting and staining
• Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™ comes in convenient dropper bottle
DAPI, 10 mg/mL in H2O
DAPI, dilactate 10 mg in H2O
(358/461 nm)
Live cells
Fixed cells
Yes• Classic nuclear counterstain for fixed cells
• Can be used at higher concentrations to stain live cells
• Dilactate salt has improved water solubility
Hoechst 33258, 10 mg/mL in H2O
Hoechst 33258, pentahydrate
Hoechst 33342, 10 mg/mL in H2O
Hoechst 33342, trihydrochloride trihydrate
(358/461 nm)
Live cells
Fixed cells
Yes• Classic nuclear counterstain for live cells
• Can also be used on fixed cells
Oxazole Gold (SYBR® Gold)40094Green
Live cellsNo 2• Aka SYBR® Gold, an ultrasensitive DNA and RNA gel stain
• Can be used for live cell staining of nuclei and mitochondrial DNA
NucSpot® 470 Nuclear Stain40083Green
(460/546 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Nuclear-specific green counterstain for fixed cells
• Selectively stains dead cells in live cultures
• Excellent match for blue LED excitation sources
Thiazole Green (SYBR® Green I)40086Green
(498/522 nm)
Live cells
Fixed cells
No 2• Aka SYBR® Green I, a well known DNA gel stain and qPCR dye
• Can be used as a green nuclear stain for all cells in live cultures
• Loses nuclear specificity after fixation
• Can be excited by 488 nm laser line
NucSpot® Live 488 Nuclear Stain40081Green
(500/515 nm)
Live cells
Fixed cells
Yes• Low-toxicity nuclear stain
• Fix before or after labeling
• Live cell staining may require VRP (included)
Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red32010Red
(520/610 nm)
Dead cellsYes• Reactive nuclear stain for dead cells
• Specifically stains dead cell nuclei
• Fix/permeabilize without dye transfer between cells
NucSpot® 555/570 Nuclear Stain41033Red
(559/566 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Nuclear-specific red counterstain for fixed cells
• Specifically stains dead cells in live cultures
NucSpot® 568/580 Nuclear Stain41036Red
(572/583 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Nuclear-specific red counterstain for fixed cells
• Specifically stains dead cells in live cultures
• Suitable for multi-day live cell imaging
NucSpot® 594/615 Nuclear Stain41037Red
(603/613 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Nuclear-specific red counterstain for fixed cells
• Specifically stains dead cells in live cultures
• Suitable for multi-day live cell imaging
NucSpot® 650/665 Nuclear Stain41034Far-red
(653/671 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Nuclear-specific far-red counterstain for fixed cells
• Specifically stains dead cells in live cultures
NucSpot® Live 650 Nuclear Stain40082Far-red
(650/675 nm)
Live cells
Fixed cells
Yes• Low-toxicity nuclear stain for the Cy®5 channel
• Fix before or after labeling
• Live cell staining may require VRP (included)
• Compatible with SIM, STED, or STORM
RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain40060Far-red
(662/694 nm)
Live cellsNo 2• For short-term live cell staining (≤4 hours)
• Analyze DNA content/cell cycle by flow cytometry
• Useful for cell number normalization for In Cell Western®
• Can be excited at wavelengths between 488 and 647 nm
• Detect in Cy®5 or APC channel

RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain40061Far-red
(665/695 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Far-red nuclear stain for dead or fixed cells
• Selectively stains dead cells
• Specific nuclear counterstain for fixed cells
• Can be excited at wavelengths between 488 and 647 nm
• Detect in Cy®5 or APC channel
NucSpot® 680/700 Nuclear Stain41035Near-IR
(683/707 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Nuclear-specific near-IR counterstain for fixed cells
• Specifically stains dead cells in live cultures
NucSpot® 750/780 Nuclear Stain41038Near-IR
(757/780 nm)
Dead cells
Fixed cells
No 1• Nuclear-specific near-IR counterstain for fixed cells
• Specifically stains dead cells in live cultures
• Suitable for multi-day live cell imaging
* With DNA
1 Dye can transfer from dead to live cells after fixation.
2 Loses nuclear specificity after fixation.
In Cell Western is a registered trademark of LI-COR® Bioscience. Cy Dye is a registered trademark of Cytiva.


Dead Cell Nucleic Acid Stains

Catalog No.

Color (Ex/Em*)


Oxazole Blue, 1 mM in DMSO 40091Blue
(434/457 nm)
• Blue cell-impermeant dye
• Selectively stains early apoptotic cells
• Equivalent to PO-PRO™-1 Iodide
Oxazole Blue Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSO 40093Blue
(433/457 nm)
• Blue cell-impermeant dye
• Equivalent to POPO™-1 Iodide
NucSpot® 470, 1000X in DMSO 40083Green
(460/546 nm)
• Green cell-impermeant dye
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
• Useful for cell cycle analysis in fixed cells
• Excellent match for blue LED excitation sources
Oxazole Yellow, 1 mM in DMSO 40089Green
(491/506 nm)
• Green cell-impermeant dye
• Selectively stains early apoptotic cells
• Equivalent to YO-PRO®-1 Iodide
Oxazole Yellow Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSO 40090Green
(491/508 nm)
• Green cell-impermeant dye
• Equivalent to YOYO®-1 Iodide
TO Iodide, 1 mM in DMSO40088Green
(515/531 nm)
• Green cell-impermeant dye
• Equivalent to TO-PRO®-1 Iodide
Thiazole Orange Homodimer,
1 mM in DMSO
(514/531 nm)
• High affinity dimeric cyanine dye
• Dead cell stain and electrophoresis dye
• Equivalent to TOTO®-1 Iodide
NucSpot® 555/570 Nuclear Stain41033Red
(559/566 nm)
• Red cell-impermeant dye for the Cy®3 or PE channels
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
NucSpot® 568/580 Nuclear Stain41036Red
(572/583 nm)
• Red cell-impermeant dye for the Cy®3 or PE channels
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
• Suitable for multi-day live cell imaging
NucSpot® 594/615 Nuclear Stain41037Red
(603/613 nm)
• Red cell-impermeant dye for the Texas Red® or PE-Texas Red® channels
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
• Suitable for multi-day live cell imaging
Propidium Iodide40016, 40017, 40048Red
(530/622 nm)
• Widely used dead cell stain
• Can be excited by 488 nm laser line for detection in the PE channel by flow cytometry
• Useful for cell cycle analysis in fixed cells (with RNase treatment)
Ethidium Homodimer I 40010, 40014Red
(527/624 nm)
• High-affinity membrane-impermeant nucleic acid stain
• >30-fold fluorescence enhancement upon binding to DNA/RNA
• High-purity grade not available from other manufacturers
Ethidium Homodimer III 40050, 40051Red
(532/625 nm)
• Developed at Biotium as an alternative to Ethidium Homodimer I
• 45% brighter than EthDI when bound to DNA
Oxazole Red, 1 mM in DMSO40105Far-red (613/629 nm)• Far-red cell-impermeant dye for the PE-Cy®5, or APC channel
• Useful dead cell stain
• Equivalent to YO-PRO®-3
Oxazole Red Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSO40106Far-red (612/631 nm)• Far-red cell-impermeant dye for the PE-Cy®5, or APC channel
• Useful dead cell stain
• Equivalent to YOYO®-3
7-AAD 40037, 40084Far-red
(546/647 nm)
• Far-red dye for flow cytometry detection in the PE-Cy®5 channel
• Can be excited by the 488 nm or 532 nm laser line
• Useful for cell cycle analysis in fixed cells
NucSpot® Far-Red, 1000X in DMSO40085Far-red
(597/667 nm)
• Designed as improved replacement for 7-AAD
• For flow cytometry in the PE-Cy®5 or APC channel
• Useful for cell cycle analysis in fixed cells
• Less bleed into the PE-Texas Red® channel
RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain40061Far-red
(665/695 nm)
• Far-red cell-impermeant dye for the Cy®5 channel
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
• Replaces Draq7™
Thiazole Red, 1 mM in DMSO40087Far-red
(642/657 nm)
• Far-red cell-impermeant dye for the Cy®5 channel
• Dead cell stain and electrophoresis dye
• Equivalent to TO-PRO®-3 Iodide
Thiazole Red Homodimer,
1 mM in DMSO
(642/661 nm)
• High affinity dimeric cyanine dye for the Cy®5 channel
• Useful dead cell stain
• Equivalent to TOTO®-3 Iodide
NucSpot® 650/665 Nuclear Stain41034Far-red
(653/671 nm)
• Far-red cell-impermeant dye for the Cy®5 or APC channels
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
NucSpot® 680/700 Nuclear Stain41035Near-IR
(683/707 nm)
• Near-IR cell-impermeant dye for the Cy®5.5 channel
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
NucSpot® 750/780 Nuclear Stain41038Near-IR
(757/780 nm)
• Near-IR cell-impermeant dye for the Cy®7 or APC-Cy®7 channels
• Nuclear-specific counterstain in fixed cells
• Suitable for multi-day live cell imaging
* When bound to nucleic acids
SYBR, PO-PRO, POPO, Texas Red, TOTO, TO-PRO, YO-PRO, and YOYO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Cy Dye is a registered trademark of Cytiva. Draq7 is a trademark of Biostatus Ltd.

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