Near-IR CF® Dyes are next-generation long wavelength dyes representing a true breakthrough in the field. The current commercial near-IR dyes suffer from problems of limited fluorescence brightness due to excessive dye aggregation and poor stability. As a result of novel molecular engineering by scientists at Biotium, near-IR CF® Dyes overcome these problems, resulting in exceptionally bright and photostable dyes.
In addition, near-IR CF® Dyes possess a proprietary structural feature that renders the dyes more water-soluble than other near-infrared dyes without introducing excessive charge. Consequently, a higher number of near-IR CF® Dyes can be conjugated to a protein for maximal fluorescence, while still preserving conjugate specificity and long in vivo half-life. We offer six near-IR CF® Dyes. Also see our far-red/near-IR CF®680 & CF®680R dyes, which are also compatible with NIR western and the LI-COR® Odyssey®.
Near-Infrared CF® Dyes
- Superior brightness and photostability in the near-IR
- Near-IR conjugates with unrivaled signal-to-noise
- Spectrally unique dyes extending to 900 nm emission
- Ideal for multiplexing or in vivo imaging
- Wide selection of antibodies, bioconjugates, & other formats
- NIR western/In Cell Western®
- In vivo small animal imaging
- Flow cytometry & microscopy
- Super-resolution microscopy
- Photoacoustic imaging
Technical Summary
- Abs/Em: 696/721 nm
- ε: 240,000
- Molecular weight: ~2315
- Laser line: 633 to 685 nm
- Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 700, DyLight® 700-B1
- Abs/Em: 712/736 nm
- ε: 115,000
- Molecular weight: ~860
- Laser line: 633 to 685 nm
- Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 700
- Exceptional photostability
- Abs/Em: 729/750 nm
- ε: 120,000
- Molecular weight: ~890
- Laser line: 633 to 685 nm
- Exceptional photostability
- Abs/Em: 742/767 nm
- ε: 105,000
- Molecular weight: ~900
- Laser line: 633 to 685 nm
- Alternative for: Alexa Fluor® 750, Cy®7, DyLight® 750
- Superior chemical stability for TSA and photostability for microscopy
- Abs/Em: 755/777 nm
- ε: 250,000
- Molecular weight: ~3009
- Laser line: 633 to 685 nm
- Alternative for: Alexa Fluor® 750, Cy®7, DyLight® 750
- Fluorescence life time:
τ (ns)/free acid in PBS pH 7.4, ε (ns) = 0.58 ± 0.05
τ (ns) /S.Ab§ = 0.636 - Validated in STORM & photoacoustic imaging
- Abs/Em: 770/797 nm
- ε: 220,000
- Molecular weight: ~3138
- Laser line: 785 nm
- Replaces: DyLight® 800, IRDye® 800CW
- Matches the LI-COR® Odyssey® 800 channel
- Abs/Em: 784/806 nm
- ε: 210,000
- Molecular weight: ~3267
- Laser line: 785 nm
- Replaces: Alexa Fluor® 790
- Fluorescence life time:
τ (ns)/free acid in PBS pH 7.4, ε (ns) = 0.39 ± 0.05
τ (ns) /S.Ab§ = 0.54
- Abs/Em: 797/816 nm
- ε: 210,000
- Molecular weight: ~3334
- Laser line: 785 nm
- Spectrally similar to: Indocyanine Green
- Abs/Em: 822/835 nm
- ε: 253,000
- Molecular weight: ~2553
- Laser line: 785 nm
- Replaces: DY-820
- Abs/Em: 852/870 nm
- ε: 240,000
- Molecular weight: ~2787
- Laser line: 808 nm
- Abs/Em: 876/896 nm
- ε: 240,000
- Molecular weight: ~2773
- Laser line: 808 nm
Visit our FAQ for more fluorescence life time information on CF® Dyes.

CF is a registered trademark of Biotium, Inc. Alexa Fluor and DyLight are registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific; Cy Dye is a registered trademark of Cytiva; IRDye and Odyssey are registered trademarks of LI-COR Biosciences.