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Biotium Publications & Product Reference Lists

Reference Lists

Biotium Publications

Small molecular fluorescence dyes for immuno cell analysis

Jiang, J., Li, X., Mao, F., Wu, X., & Chen, Y. Analytical Biochemistry, 114063 (2020)
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Highlighted Citations

Spectrally diverse CF® Dyes complement SpectraPlex for high-multiplex imaging

Two 2024 Nature Portfolio Application Notes describe how CF® Dyes complement SpectraPlex to build a 3D high-multiplex 15-color panel.
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

MitoView™ 633 offers advantages over TMRM as a probe for mitochondrial membrane potential

Ernst P, Kim S, Yang Z, Liu XM and Zhou L (2023) Characterization of the far-red fluorescent probe MitoView™ 633 for dynamic mitochondrial membrane potential measurement. Front. Physiol. 14:1257739. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1257739
Featured Product: MitoView™ Mitochondrial Dyes  

ExoBrite™ CTB EV Stain assists in evaluating engineered EVs for targeted drug delivery against triple-negative breast cancer

Bhullar AS, Jin K, Shi H, Jones A, Hironaka D, Xiong G, Xu R, Guo P, Binzel DW, Shu D. Engineered extracellular vesicles for combinatorial TNBC therapy: SR-SIM-guided design achieves substantial drug dosage reduction. Mol Ther. 2024 Oct 5:S1525-0016(24)00658-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2024.09.034. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39369270.
Featured Product: ExoBrite™ CTB EV Staining Kits  

Tardigrade-derived protein shown to improve adipose stem cell survival against various stressors

Rolsma, J.L., Darch, W., Higgins, N.C. et al. The tardigrade-derived mitochondrial abundant heat soluble protein improves adipose-derived stem cell survival against representative stressors. Sci Rep 14, 11834 (2024).
Featured Product: MitoView™ Fix 640 Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay Kit for Animal Live & Dead Cells  

Arl2 GTPase associates with the centrosomal protein Cdk5rap2 to regulate cortical development via microtubule organization

Ma D, Lin K-Y, Suresh D, Lin J, Gujar MR, Aung HY, et al. (2024) Arl2 GTPase associates with the centrosomal protein Cdk5rap2 to regulate cortical development via microtubule organization. PLoS Biol 22(8): e3002751.
Featured Product: ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains  

The DNA-PAINT palette: a comprehensive performance analysis of fluorescent dyes

Steen, P.R., Unterauer, E.M., Masullo, L.A. et al. The DNA-PAINT palette: a comprehensive performance analysis of fluorescent dyes. Nat Methods 21, 1755–1762 (2024).

APOE4/4 is linked to damaging lipid droplets in Alzheimer’s disease microglia

Haney, M.S., Pálovics, R., Munson, C.N. et al. APOE4/4 is linked to damaging lipid droplets in Alzheimer’s disease microglia. Nature 628, 154–161 (2024).
Featured Product: LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains  

Computational Investigations into Two-Photon Fibril Imaging Using the DANIR-2c Probe

N. Arul Murugan, Robert Zaleśny. Computational Investigations into Two-Photon Fibril Imaging Using the DANIR-2c Probe. J. Phys. Chem. B, 127, 14, 3119–3125 (2023).
Featured Product: DCDAPH (DANIR-2c)  

Intraocular liver spheroids for non-invasive high-resolution in vivo monitoring of liver cell function

Lazzeri-Barcelo, F., Oliva-Vilarnau, N., Baniol, M. et al. Intraocular liver spheroids for non-invasive high-resolution in vivo monitoring of liver cell function. Nat Commun 15, 767 (2024).
Featured Product: Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red Staining Kit  

Anti-cancer target hRpn13 regulates proteome and transcriptome through epigenetic factors

Osei-Amponsa et al. (2023) Molecular Cell 84, 522–537 (2024) Published by Elsevier Inc., 2023,
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits Drop-n-Stain EverBrite™ Mounting Medium  

A novel type of large EVs containing lipid droplets and mitochondria is released during melanoma cell division

Karbanová, J., Deniz, I. A., Wilsch-Bräuninger, M., de Sousa Couto, R. A., Fargeas, C. A., Santos, M. F., ... & Corbeil, D. (2024). Extracellular lipidosomes containing lipid droplets and mitochondria are released during melanoma cell division. Cell Communication and Signaling, 22(1), 57.
Featured Product: LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates MitoView™ Fix 640  

Distinct neuroinflammatory signatures exist across genetic and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cohorts

Rifai, O.M., O’Shaughnessy, J., et al (2023) Distinct neuroinflammatory signatures exist across genetic and sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cohorts (2023). Brain, Volume 146, Issue 12, 2023, 5124–5138, DOI: 10.1093/brain/awad243
Featured Product: CELLDATA RNAstorm™ 2.0 FFPE RNA Extraction Kit  

Gene regulation in progenitor cells is mediated through NUP98 and RAE1 chromatin binding in a HDAC dependent manner

Neely, A.E., Blumensaadt, L.A., Ho, P.J. et al. (2023) NUP98 and RAE1 sustain progenitor function through HDAC-dependent chromatin targeting to escape from nucleolar localization. Commun Biol 6, 664.
Featured Product: Aquaphile™ JC-1 MitoView™ Mitochondrial Dyes  

Post-Printing Modifications in 3D Bioprinting using Clickable Bioinks

Tournier, P., Saint‐Pé, G., Lagneau, N., Loll, F., Halgand, B., Tessier, A., ... & Delplace, V. (2023). Clickable Dynamic Bioinks Enable Post‐Printing Modifications of Construct Composition and Mechanical Properties Controlled over Time and Space. Advanced Science, 10(30), 2300055.
Featured Product: CF® Dye Hydrazide  

Advancing digital PCR-HRM assays for better pathogen identification

Lee, P.W., Chen, L., Hseih, K. et al (2023) Harnessing Variabilities in Digital Melt Curves for Accurate Identification of Bacteria (2023). Analytical Chemistry 2023 95 (42), 15522-15530. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c01654
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water EvaGreen® Plus Dye, 20X in Water  

Biotium CF® Dyes aid in the discovery of MSC‑associated migrasomes as a novel source of chemoattractant for cells of hematopoietic origin

Deniz, I. A., Karbanová, J., Wobus, M., Bornhäuser, M., Wimberger, P., Kuhlmann, J. D., & Corbeil, D. (2023). Mesenchymal stromal cell-associated migrasomes: a new source of chemoattractant for cells of hematopoietic origin. Cell Communication and Signaling, 21(1), 1-17.
Featured Product: Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates ExoBrite™ WGA EV Staining Kits  

Rapid Detection of Predominant SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using EvaGreen® Dye in Multiplex High-Resolution Melting Analysis

Sun, L., Wang, L., Zhang, C. et al (2023). Rapid detection of predominant SARS-COV-2 variants using multiplex high-resolution melting analysis. Microbiology Spectrum (2023).
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water EvaGreen® Plus Dye, 20X in Water  

The molecular architecture of the photoreceptor active zone resolved with CF®660C Dye in MINFLUX

Grabner, C. P., Jansen, I., Neef, J., Weihs, T., Schmidt, R., Riedel, D., ... & Moser, T. (2022). Resolving the molecular architecture of the photoreceptor active zone with 3D-MINFLUX. Science Advances, 8(28), eabl7560. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abl7560
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ STORM CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Mix-n-Stain™ labeling used in epitope mapping of novel NANOBODIES® for the Alzheimer’s-related receptor SORLA

Monti, G., Vincke, C., Lunding, M., Jensen, A. M. G., Madsen, P., Muyldermans, S., ... & Andersen, O. M. (2023). Epitope mapping of nanobodies binding the Alzheimer’s disease receptor SORLA. Journal of Biotechnology.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ Nanobody Labeling Kits  

Enhanced axial resolution in three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy using CellBrite® Fix Membrane Dyes

Li, X., Wu, Y., Su, Y., Rey-Suarez, I., Matthaeus, C., Updegrove, T. B., ... & Shroff, H. (2023). Three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy with enhanced axial resolution. Nature Biotechnology, 1-13.
Featured Product: CellBrite® Fix Membrane Stains  

Development of novel PE and APC near-infrared tandem fluorochromes for use in spectral flow cytometry

Seong, Y., Nguyen, D. X., Wu, Y., Thakur, A., Harding, F., & Nguyen, T. A. (2022). Novel PE and APC tandems: Additional near‐infrared fluorochromes for use in spectral flow cytometry. Cytometry Part A, 101(10), 835-845.
Featured Product: CF® Dye & Biotin SE Protein Labeling Kits Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

High-resolution characterization of centriole morphology, dynamics, and abnormalities using correlative STORM and electron microscopy

Bowler, M., Kong, D., Sun, S., Nanjundappa, R., Evans, L., Farmer, V., ... & Loncarek, J. (2019). High-resolution characterization of centriole distal appendage morphology and dynamics by correlative STORM and electron microscopy. Nature communications, 10(1), 993. Vásquez-Limeta, A., Lukasik, K., Kong, D., Sullenberger, C., Luvsanjav, D., Sahabandu, N., ... & Loncarek, J. (2022). CPAP insufficiency leads to incomplete centrioles that duplicate but fragment. Journal of Cell Biology, 221(5), e202108018.
Featured Product: Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab')2 Fragment Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab')2 Fragment  

Exosome-delivered miRNA promotes breast cancer progression in African Americans by activating cancer-associated fat cells

Zhao, D., Wu, K., Sharma, S., Xing, F., Wu, S. Y., Tyagi, A., ... & Watabe, K. (2022). Exosomal miR-1304-3p promotes breast cancer progression in African Americans by activating cancer-associated adipocytes. Nature Communications, 13(1), 7734.
Featured Product: LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains  

Usage of the NanoString® platform to evaluate the effect of RNA integrity on gene expression profiling of FFPE samples

Manjunath, H. S., Al Khulaifi, M., Sidahmed, H., Ammar, A., Vadakekolathu, J., Rutella, S., et al. Gene Expression Profiling of FFPE Samples: A Titration Test. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, 21, 15330338221129710 (2022).
Featured Product: CELLDATA RNAstorm™ FFPE RNA Extraction Kit  

Biotium dyes and antibodies help to demonstrate a novel anchoring strategy for expansion microscopy

Klimas, A., Gallagher, B. R., Wijesekara, P., et al. Magnify is a universal molecular anchoring strategy for expansion microscopy. Nat Biotechnol 1-12 (2023).
Featured Product: Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), Highly Cross-Adsorbed (Min X Rat) Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), Highly Cross-Adsorbed Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), Highly Cross-Adsorbed  

GelRed® analysis of contaminating endogenous cfDNA from FBS

Werner, B., Warton, K., & Ford, C. E. Endogenous cell-free DNA in fetal bovine serum introduces artifacts to in vitro cell-free DNA models. BioTechniques, 73(5), 219-226 (2022).
Featured Product: GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain  

Biotium dyes help demonstrate an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF)-based system for excitation spectral microscopy super-multiplexing

Chen, K., Li, W., & Xu, K. (2022). Super-multiplexing excitation spectral microscopy with multiple fluorescence bands. Biomedical Optics Express, 13(11), 6048-6060.
Featured Product: LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1) Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Goat Anti-Chicken IgY (H+L), Highly Cross-Adsorbed Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates  

Glucose oxidase-dependent deposition of fluorochromized tyramide (FT-GO) for sensitive multiplex immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization labeling

Yamauchi, K., Okamoto, S., Ishida, Y., et al. Fluorochromized tyramide-glucose oxidase as a multiplex fluorescent tyramide signal amplification system for histochemical analysis. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-12 (2022).
Featured Product: CF® Dye Tyramide  

Nuclei bypass intercellular obstacles by deforming around them with deep local invaginations mediated by lamin A/C

Katiyar, A., Zhang, J., Antani, J. D. et al. The nucleus bypasses obstacles by deforming like a drop with surface tension mediated by lamin A/C. Advanced Science, 9(23), 2201248 (2022).
Featured Product: NucSpot® Live Cell Nuclear Stains  

Fluoroamphiphile-based nanocarriers for intracellular drug delivery and organelle targeting

Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Tu, Y., & Zhu, L. Potential-independent intracellular drug delivery and mitochondrial targeting. ACS nano, 16(1), 1409-1420 (2021).
Featured Product: MitoView™ Mitochondrial Dyes  

An optimized universal hairpin primer system for RT-qPCR-based quantification of miRNA expression

He, F., Ni, N., Wang, H., et al. OUHP: an optimized universal hairpin primer system for cost-effective and high-throughput RT-qPCR-based quantification of microRNA (miRNA) expression. Nucleic acids research, 50(4), e22-e22 (2022).
Featured Product: Forget-Me-Not™ EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix (2-Color Tracking)  

Single particle counting using fluorescent antibodies demonstrated as a promising diagnostic tool for neurodegenerative diseases

Blömeke, L., et al. Quantitative detection of α-Synuclein and Tau oligomers and other aggregates by digital single particle counting. npj Parkinson's Disease 8.1 1-13 (2022).
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits CF® Dye & Biotin SE Protein Labeling Kits CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester  

TrueBlack® Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher is the preferred quencher for detection of mRNA in human neuronal populations

May‐Zhang, A. A., Benthal, J. T., & Southard‐Smith, E. M. (2022). Hybridization Chain Reaction for mRNA Localization in Single Cells from Mouse and Human Cryosections. Current Protocols, 2(5), e439.
Featured Product: TrueBlack® Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher TrueBlack® Plus Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher, 40X in DMSO  

A new high-throughput and broadband photoacoustic microscopy technique validated with near-infrared CellBrite® Dyes

Takeshi H., Kazuyoshi T., Manami M., Shinpei O., Toshihiro K., Miya I. (2022). Spectroscopic photoacoustic microscopic imaging during single spatial scan using broadband excitation light pulses with wavelength-dependent time delay. Photoacoustics, 26, 2213-5979.
Featured Product: CellBrite® Cytoplasmic Membrane Dyes CellBrite® NIR Cytoplasmic Membrane Dyes  

A chip-based assay for detection and avidity assessment of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in serum and saliva

Liu, T., Hsiung, J., Zhao, S., Kost. et al. Quantification of antibody avidities and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in serum and saliva on plasmonic substrates. Nature Biomedical Engineering 4:12, 4(12), 1188–1196 (2020).
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits CF® Dye & Biotin SE Protein Labeling Kits  

Introduction of extracellular matrix inhibits glioma cell proliferation

Murdock, M. H., Hussey, G. S., Chang, J. T., Hill, R. C., Nascari, D. G., Rao, A. V., Hansen, K. C., Foley, L. M., Hitchens, T. K., Amankulor, N. M., & Badylak, S. F. (2022). A liquid fraction of extracellular matrix inhibits glioma cell viability in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget, 13, 426–438.
Featured Product: NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Assay Kit for Live Cells NucView® Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrates  

GelRed® used to assess efficiency of metallohelices as gene delivery vectors

Malina, J., Kostrhunova, H., Novohradsky, V. et al. (2022) Metallohelix vectors for efficient gene delivery via cationic DNA nanoparticles, Nucleic Acids Research.
Featured Product: GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain GelRed® Prestain Plus 6X DNA Loading Dye GelRed® Agarose LE  

Multiview confocal microscopy protocol for improved imaging in thick samples

Wu, Y., Han, X., Su, Y. et al. (2021) Multiview confocal super-resolution microscopy. Nature.
Featured Product: NucSpot® Live Cell Nuclear Stains  

UC Berkeley and Biotium identify dye modifications for superior fluorescence photoswitching in STORM

Wang, B., Xiong, M., Susanto, J., Li, X., Leung, W.-Y., & Xu, K. (2021). Transforming Rhodamine Dyes for (d)STORM Super-Resolution Microscopy via 1,3-Disubstituted Imidazolium Substitution. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits Phalloidin Conjugates  

Endocytosis of cationic molecules requires Rab14, but not Rab5 and Rab7

Trofimenko, E., Homma, Y., Fukuda, M., & Widmann, C. (2021). The endocytic pathway taken by cationic substances requires Rab14 but not Rab5 and Rab7. Cell Reports, 37(5), 109945.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Small Ligand Labeling Kits  

TrueBlack® added to resin embedding medium improves signal-to-noise in brain tissue

Ren, M., Tian, J., Sun, Q., Chen, S., Luo, T., Jia, X., Jiang, T., Luo, Q., Gong, H., & Li, X., (2021). Plastic embedding for precise imaging of large-scale biological tissues labeled with multiple fluorescent dyes and proteins. Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 6730-6745.
Featured Product: TrueBlack® Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher TrueBlack® Plus Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher, 40X in DMSO  

Novel nanoformulated antiretroviral therapy for HIV treatment with improved drug targeting

Martinez-Skinner AL, Araínga MA, Puligujja P, Palandri DL, Baldridge HM, Edagwa BJ, et al. (2015) Cellular Responses and Tissue Depots for Nanoformulated Antiretroviral Therapy. PLOS One 10(12): e0145966.
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Viability PCR with PMA validated for determination of infectious SARS-CoV-2 viruses

Hong, W., Xiong, J., Nyaruaba, R., Li, J., Muturi, E., Liu, H., Yu, J., Yang, H., & Wei, H. (2021). Rapid determination of infectious SARS-CoV-2 in PCR-positive samples by SDS-PMA assisted RT-qPCR. The Science of the total environment, 797, 149085. Advance online publication.
Featured Product: PMA (Propidium Monoazide) PMAxx™ Dye, 20 mM in H2O  

Voltage dye Di-4-ANEPPS used to develop improved optical mapping of rat hearts

Ramlugun, G. S., Sands, G. B., Zhao, J., LeGrice, I. J., & Smaill, B. H. (2021). A novel system for mapping regional electrical properties and characterizing arrhythmia in isolated intact rat atria. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 321(2), H412–H421.
Featured Product: Di-4-ANEPPS Di-8-ANEPPS DiBAC4(3)  

RT-LAMP assays using in-house produced enzymes show promise for accurate and affordable SARS-CoV-2 testing

Alekseenko, A., Barrett, D., Pareja-Sanchez, Y. et al. Direct detection of SARS-CoV-2 using non-commercial RT-LAMP reagents on heat-inactivated samples. Sci Rep 11, 1820 (2021).
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water EvaGreen® Plus Dye, 20X in Water Forget-Me-Not™ EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix (2-Color Tracking)  

A sensitive EvaGreen-based PCR assay for measuring dNTP concentrations in cells and tissue

Purhonen, J., Banerjee, R., McDonald, A.E., Fellman, V., Kallijärvi, J., A sensitive assay for dNTPs based on long synthetic oligonucleotides, EvaGreen dye and inhibitor-resistant high-fidelity DNA polymerase. Nucleic Acids Research 48, e87 (2020).
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water PAGE GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain  

PICASSO: Ultra-multiplexed fluorescence imaging of biomolecules through single-round imaging and blind source unmixing

Seo, J., Sim, Y., Kim, J., Kim, H., Cho, I., Yoon, Y., & Chang, J.-B.(2022) PICASSO: Ultra-multiplexed fluorescence imaging of biomolecules through single-round imaging and blind source unmixing. Nat Commun 13, 2475.
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Exosome profiling with CF® dye tetraspanin panel shows single tetraspanin immunocapture methods may limit cancer biomarker detection

Mizenko, R. R., Brostoff, T., Rojalin, T., Koster, H. J., Swindell, H. S., Leiserowitz, G. S., … Carney, R. P. (2021). Tetraspanin immunocapture phenotypes extracellular vesicles according to biofluid source but may limit identification of multiplexed cancer biomarkers. BioRxiv, 2021.03.02.433595.
Featured Product: CD9 Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (CD9/1619) CD63 Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (MX-49.129.5) CD81 / TAPA-1 Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (  

Spectrally distinct CF® Dyes enable a 43 color high dimensional spectral flow panel designed to characterize human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Sahir F, Mateo JM, Steinhoff M, Siveen KS. Development of a 43 color panel for the characterization of conventional and unconventional T-cell subsets, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, and innate lymphoid cells using spectral flow cytometry. Cytometry. 2020;1–7.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Fast three-color single-molecule FRET using statistical inference

Yoo, J., Kim, JY., Louis, J.M. et al. Fast three-color single-molecule FRET using statistical inference. Nat Commun 11, 3336 (2020). Kim, JY and Chung, HS, Disordered Proteins Follow Diverse Transition Paths as They Fold and Bind to a Partner. Science 368, 1253 (2020)
Featured Product: CF® Dye Maleimides Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Measuring mitochondrial mass as an indicator of cellular health and functional autophagy

Zijian Tang, Kuo-Hui Su, Meng Xu, & Chengkai Dai (2020) HSF1 physically neutralizes amyloid oligomers to empower overgrowth and bestow neuroprotection. Science Advances Yang, G., Song, W., Xu, J. et al. (2020) Pik3c3 deficiency in myeloid cells imparts partial resistance to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis associated with reduced IL-1β production. Cell Mol Immunol.
Featured Product: MitoView™ Mitochondrial Dyes  

CF® Dyes light the way for high dimensional analysis by spectral flow cytometry

Jiang, J., Li, X., Mao, F., Wu, X., & Chen, Y. (2020). Small molecular fluorescence dyes for immuno cell analysis. Analytical Biochemistry, 114063.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity

L. Cantuti-Castelvetri et al. (2020), Neuropilin-1 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and infectivity Science
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester  

Fast and multiplexed super-resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT-ERS

Civitci, F., Shangguan, J., Zheng, T., Tao, K., Rames, M., Kenison, J., Zhang, Y., Wu, L., Phelps, C., Esener, S., Nan, X. (2020). In Vivo Single-Molecule Detection of Nanoparticles for Multiphoton Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy to Quantify Cerebral Blood Flow. Nature Communications.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Novel Method for Monitoring Cerebral Blood Flow with Subvessel Resolution In Vivo

Fu, X., Sompol, P., Brandon, J., Norris, C., Wilkop, T., Johnson, L., & Richards, C. (2020). In Vivo Single-Molecule Detection of Nanoparticles for Multiphoton Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy to Quantify Cerebral Blood Flow. Nano Letters.
Featured Product: CF® Dye Dextran 3,500 MW, Anionic and Fixable  

Sensitivity assessment of RT-qPCR and droplet digital PCR for SARS-CoV-2 detection

Falzone, L., Musso, N., Gattuso, G., Bongiorno, D., Palermo, C., Scalia, G., … Stefani, S. (2020). Sensitivity assessment of droplet digital PCR for SARS-CoV-2 detection. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 46(3), 957–964.
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water Forget-Me-Not™ EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix (2-Color Tracking)  

A pathologist’s guide for using expansion microscopy for nanoscale imaging of clinical specimens

Bucur O, Fu F, Calderon M, et al. 2020 Nat Protoc. 15(5):1649-1672. Nanoscale imaging of clinical specimens using conventional and rapid-expansion pathology. doi:10.1038/s41596-020-0300-1
Featured Product: CF® Dye & Biotin SE Protein Labeling Kits  

Microtubules as a Biomarker for Taxane Chemotherapy Response

Mukhtar, E., Worroll, D., Galletti, G., Schuster, S., Piha-Paul, S. A., &Giannakakou, P. (2020). Quantitative analysis of taxane drug target engagement of microtubules in circulating tumor cells from metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer patients treated with CRXL301, a nanoparticle of docetaxel. Cancer Drug Resistance.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Smartphone-Based Multiplex 30-minute Nucleic Acid Test of Live Virus from Nasal Swab Extract

Sun, F., Ganguli, A., Nguyen, J., Brisbin, R., Shanmugam, K., Hirschberg, D. L., … Cunningham, B. T. (2020). Smartphone-Based Multiplex 30-minute Nucleic Acid Test of Live Virus from Nasal Swab Extract. Lab on a Chip.
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

High-throughput fluorescence correlation spectroscopy analysis of extracellular vesicle markers

Fu, X., Song, Y., Masud, A., Nuti, K., Derouchey, J. E., & Richards, C. I. (2020). High-throughput fluorescence correlation spectroscopy enables analysis of surface components of cell-derived vesicles.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Multi-color 3D super-resolution microscopy of cellular organelles and protein complexes

Zhang, Y., Schroeder, L.K., Lessard, M.D. et al. Nanoscale subcellular architecture revealed by multicolor three-dimensional salvaged fluorescence imaging. Nat Methods 17, 225–231 (2020).
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates  

A Closed-Tube, Diagnostic Test for COVID-19 at Home, Clinic, and Points of Entry

El-Tholoth, Mohamed; Bau, Haim H.; Song, Jinzhao (2020): A Single and Two-Stage, Closed-Tube, Molecular Test for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Home, Clinic, and Points of Entry. ChemRxiv. Preprint.
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

All-in-one PCR-based Nanoarray for bacteria identification and antibiotic resistance testing

Athamanolap, P. et al. Nanoarray digital PCR with high-resolution melt enables broad bacteria identification and pheno-molecular antimicrobial susceptibility test. Anal. Chem. 91, 12784–12792 (2019).
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

Advanced CUBIC tissue clearing for whole-organ cell profiling

Matsumoto, K. et al. Advanced CUBIC tissue clearing for whole-organ cell profiling. Nat. Protoc. 1–32 (2019). doi:10.1038/s41596-019-0240-9
Featured Product: RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in DMSO RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water  

Nanoparticle-based RNA therapy for pancreatic cancer

Gilles ME, Hao L, Brown K, Lim J, Bhatia SN, Slack FJ. Tumor penetrating nanomedicine targeting both an oncomiR and an oncogene in pancreatic cancer. Oncotarget. 2019 Sep 3;10(51):5349-5358. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.27160.
Featured Product: NucView® Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrates  

In situ multiplex immunofluorescence screening for the assessment of tumor immunopathology in pediatric glioblastoma

Bernstock, J. D. et al. A novel in situ multiplex immunofluorescence panel for the assessment of tumor immunopathology and response to virotherapy in pediatric glioblastoma reveals a role for checkpoint protein inhibition. Oncoimmunology 8, e1678921 (2019).
Featured Product: TrueBlack® Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher  

Kidney cytoskeleton mapping provides a detailed look into renal disorders

Kumaran GK, Hanukoglu I. Identification and classification of epithelial cells in nephron segments by actin cytoskeleton patterns. FEBS J. 2019 Oct 12. doi:10.1111/febs.15088.
Featured Product: Phalloidin Conjugates Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates  

Evaluation of microbial viability techniques on monitoring Ascaris suum in wastewater

Ravindran, V. B., Shahsavari, E., Soni, S. K. & Ball, A. S. Viability determination of Ascaris ova in raw wastewater: a comparative evaluation of culture-based, BacLight Live/Dead staining and PMA-qPCR methods. Water Sci. Technol. 1–10 (2019). doi:10.2166/wst.2019.286
Featured Product: Viability PCR Starter Kits  

A portable sequencing-based RT-LAMP approach for viral surveillance

Hayashida K, Orba Y, Sequeira PC, Sugimoto C, Hall WW, Eshita Y, Suzuki Y, Runtuwene L, Brasil P, Calvet G, Rodrigues CDS, Santos CCD, Mares-Guia MAM, Yamagishi J, Filippis AMB, Sawa H. Field diagnosis and genotyping of chikungunya virus using a dried reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay and MinION sequencing. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019 Jun 3;13(6):e0007480. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007480.
Featured Product: GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain GelGreen® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain  

Cellular internalization of bystander nanomaterial induced by TAT-nanoparticles and regulated by extracellular cysteine

Wei, Y., Tang, T. & Pang, H.-B. Cellular internalization of bystander nanomaterial induced by TAT-nanoparticles and regulated by extracellular cysteine. Nat. Commun. 10, 3646 (2019).
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester  

Multiplexed expansion microscopy of the brain through fluorophore screening

Min, K., Cho, I., Choi, M., & Chang, J.-B. (2019). Multiplexed expansion microscopy of the brain through fluorophore screening. Methods.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

How natively unstructured RNA chaperones aid in RNA folding

Disordered RNA chaperones can enhance nucleic acid folding via local charge screening. Holmstrom ED, Liu Z, Nettels D, Best RB, Schuler B. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):2453, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10356-0.
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester  

Single-Cell-Derived Tumor-Sphere Formation and Drug-Resistance Assay Using an Integrated Microfluidics

Pang, L., Ding, J., Ge, Y., Fan, J., & Fan, S. K. (2019). Single-Cell-Derived Tumor-Sphere Formation and Drug-Resistance Assay Using an Integrated Microfluidics. Analytical chemistry.
Featured Product: NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Assay Kit for Live Cells  

Designing a bispecific, chimeric 4-1BB agonistic antibody for cancer immunotherapy

Compte M, Harwood SL, Muñoz IG, Navarro R, Zonca M, Perez-Chacon G, Erce-Llamazares A, Merino N, Tapia-Galisteo A, Cuesta AM, Mikkelsen K, Caleiras E, Nuñez-Prado N, Aznar MA, Lykkemark S, Martínez-Torrecuadrada J, Melero I, Blanco FJ, Bernardino de la Serna J, Zapata JM, Sanz L, Alvarez-Vallina L. A tumor-targeted trimeric 4-1BB-agonistic antibody induces potent anti-tumor immunity without systemic toxicity. Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 15;9(1):4809. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07195-w.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Super-resolution microscopy through thick biological samples

J. Kim, M. Wojcik, Y. Wang, K. Xu and X. Zhang, “Oblique plane single-molecule localization microscopy for thick samples,” bioRxiv (
Featured Product: α-Bungarotoxin, CF® Dye and Other Conjugates  

A timeline of critical events during reperfusion after ischemia in rat myocytes

Sciuto KJ, Deng SW, Moreno A, Zaitsev AV (2019) Chronology of critical events in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes occurring during reperfusion after simulated ischemia. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0212076.
Featured Product: MitoView™ Mitochondrial Dyes  

Linking lipid metabolism with APOE in Alzheimer’s disease pathology

Farmer BC, Kluemper J, Johnson LA. Apolipoprotein E4 Alters Astrocyte Fatty Acid Metabolism and Lipid Droplet Formation. Cells. 2019 Feb 20;8(2). pii: E182. doi: 10.3390/cells8020182.
Featured Product: LipidSpot™ Lipid Droplet Stains  

Cell migration and movement: key drivers of lung development/alveologenesis

Akram KM, Yates LL, Mongey R, Rothery S, Gaboriau DCA, Sanderson J, Hind M, Griffiths M, Dean CH. Live imaging of alveologenesis in precision-cut lung slices reveals dynamic epithelial cell behaviour. Nat Commun. 2019 Mar 12;10(1):1178.doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09067-3.
Featured Product: NucView® Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrates  

Total and viable bacteria and fungi in the International Space Station

Checinska Sielaff, A.,Urbaniak, C.,Mohan, G. B. M.,Stepanov, V. G.,Tran, Q.,Wood, J. M.,Minich, J.,McDonald, D.,Mayer, T.,Knight, R., et al. (2019). Characterization of the total and viable bacterial and fungal communities associated with the International Space Station surfaces. Microbiome 7, 50.
Featured Product: PMA (Propidium Monoazide) PMAxx™ Dye, 20 mM in H2O Viability PCR Starter Kits  

Strength in numbers: enteric viruses in membrane clusters are more virulent

Santiana M, Ghosh S, Ho BA, Rajasekaran V, Du WL, Mutsafi Y, De Jésus-Diaz DA, Sosnovtsev SV, Levenson EA, Parra GI, Takvorian PM, Cali A, Bleck C, Vlasova AN, Saif LJ, Patton JT, Lopalco P, Corcelli A, Green KY, Altan-Bonnet N. Vesicle-Cloaked Virus Clusters Are Optimal Units for Inter-organismal Viral Transmission. Cell Host Microbe. 2018 Aug 8;24(2):208-220.e8. doi:10.1016/j.chom.2018.07.006.
Featured Product: CellBrite® Fix Membrane Stains MemBrite® Fix Cell Surface Staining Kits  

A new study claims to link oral pathogenic bacteria to Alzheimer’s disease pathology

Porphyromonas gingivalis in Alzheimer’s disease brains: Evidence for disease causation and treatment with small-molecule inhibitors. Dominy SS., Lynch C, et al. Science Advances 23 Jan 2019: Vol. 5, no. 1, eaau3333 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau3333
Featured Product: TrueBlack® Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher  

An in vitro approach to preclinical safety and efficacy evaluation of engineered TCR-based therapeutics

Harper J, Adams KJ, Bossi G, Wright DE, Stacey AR, Bedke N, et al. (2018) An approved in vitro approach to preclinical safety and efficacy evaluation of engineered T cell receptor anti-CD3 bispecific (ImmTAC) molecules. PLoS ONE 13(10):e0205491.
Featured Product: Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Substrate & Annexin V  

Peculiarities of mitochondrial DNA of flagellate protozoans

Lukeš J, Wheeler R, Jirsová D, David V, Archibald JM. Massive mitochondrial DNA content in diplonemid and kinetoplastid protists. IUBMB Life. 2018 Oct 6. doi: 10.1002/iub.1894.
Featured Product: RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water MitoView™ Mitochondrial Dyes DAPI  

Multicolor immunofluorescence detection of immune markers in FFPE tumor samples

Ijsselsteijn ME, Brouwer TP et al. Cancer immunophenotyping by 7 colour multispectral imaging without tyramide signal amplification. J Pathol Clin Res.2018 Sep 7. doi: 10.1002/cjp2.113.
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Triple-fluorescence live cell imaging for anti-cancer drug screening

De P, Carlson JH et al. Triple Fluorescence staining to Evaluate Mechanism-based Apoptosis following Chemotherapeutic and Targeted Anti-cancer Drugs in Live Tumor Cells. Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):13192.doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31575-3.
Featured Product: NucView® Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrates Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Substrate & Annexin V MitoView™ Mitochondrial Dyes  

The spectrin-actin-based periodic cytoskeleton serves as a scaffold and molecular ‘‘ruler’’ during neural stem cell interactions

Hauser, Meghan, Rui Yan, Wan Li, Nicole A. Repina, David V. Schaffer, and Ke Xu. The Spectrin-Actin-Based Periodic Cytoskeleton as a Conserved Nanoscale Scaffold and Ruler of the Neural Stem Cell Lineage. Cell Reports 24, no. 6 (2018): 1512-1522.

Polysialic acid chains show affinity for ordered lipid raft regions of plasma membrane

Sapoń, K, Janas, T, Sikorski, AF, and Janas, T. (2018). Polysialic acid chains exhibit enhanced affinity for ordered regions of membranes. BBA-Biomembranes
Featured Product: Dilinoleyl DiI  

Antibiotic development – Tracking compound penetration into Gram-negative bacteria with click chemistry

Spangler B, Dovala D, Sawyer WS, Thompson KV, Six DA, Reck F, Feng BY. Molecular Probes for the Determination of Subcellular Compound Exposure Profiles in Gram-Negative Bacteria. ACS Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 15. doi:10.1021/acsinfecdis.8b00093.
Featured Product: PMAxx™ Dye, 20 mM in H2O  

Quenching IF background allows detection of rare disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) in bone marrow

Haley D. Axelrod, H.D., Pienta, K.J., and Valkenburg, K.C. Optimization of Immunofluorescent Detection of Bone Marrow Disseminated Tumor Cells. Biological Procedures Online. 2018, 20:13.
Featured Product: TrueBlack® Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher TrueBlack® IF Background Suppressor System (Permeabilizing)  

A new enzymatic oligo synthesis method

Palluk, et al. De novo DNA synthesis using polymerase-nucleotide conjugates. Nature Biotechnology volume36, pages645–650 (2018)
Featured Product: One-Step Lumitein™ UV Protein Gel Stain  

PMAxx™ q-PCR: an effective tool for detection of seed-borne pathogens

Han S, Jiang N, Lv Q, Kan Y, Hao J, Li J, Luo L. Detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in viable but nonculturable state from tomato seed using improved qPCR. PLoS One. 2018 May 3;13(5):e0196525. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0196525.
Featured Product: PMAxx™ Dye, 20 mM in H2O  

Fluoro-Gold™-Labeled Retinal Explant Culture for Neurotoxicity Screening Studies

FluoroGold-Labeled Organotypic Retinal Explant Culture for Neurotoxicity Screening Studies Smedowski A, Pietrucha-Dutczak M, Maniar T, Ajeleti M, Matuszek I, and Lewin-Kowalik J. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. (2018), Article ID 2487473.
Featured Product: Hydroxystilbamidine (Fluoro-Gold™), 4% in H2O Hydroxystilbamidine (Fluoro-Gold™)  

Culprits in whole blood affecting quantitative PCR analysis: quenching of EvaGreen® fluorescence by haemoglobin

Read the full publication for more details: Sidstedt M, Hedman J, Romsos EL, Waitara L, Wadsö L, Steffen CR, Vallone PM, Rådström P. Inhibition mechanisms of hemoglobin, immunoglobulin G, and whole blood in digital and real-time PCR. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2018;410(10):2569-2583. doi: 10.1007/s00216-018-0931-z.
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

Protein microarrays by 3D nanotexturing

Tsougeni K, Ellinas K, Koukouvinos G, Petrou PS, Tserepi A, Kakabakos SE, Gogolides E. Three-dimensional (3D) plasma micro-nanotextured slides for high performance biomolecule microarrays: Comparison with epoxy-silane coated glass slides. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. (2018), 165:270-277. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.02.055.
Featured Product: Cyanine Dye Succinimidyl Ester Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), Highly Cross-Adsorbed Streptavidin Conjugates  

Flow-cytometry based screening for pro-longevity therapeutics

Sarnoski EA, Liu P, Acar M. A High-Throughput Screen for Yeast Replicative Lifespan Identifies Lifespan-Extending Compounds. Cell Rep. 2017 Nov 28;21(9):2639-2646. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.11.002.
Featured Product: Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates  

A method to count osteoblast cells using the DNA dye GelRed®

Yang, D.; Wijenayaka, A.R.; Atkins, G.J. A Fluorometric Method for the Quantification of Cell Number in Complex Differentiating Osteoblast-Osteocyte Cultures. Methods Protoc. 2018, 1, 14.
Featured Product: GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain 6X GelRed® Prestain Loading Buffer with Orange Tracking Dye  

Delving deeper into EvaGreen®-DNA interactions

Shoute LCT, Loppnow GR. Characterization of the binding interactions between EvaGreen dye and dsDNA. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2018 Feb 14;20(7):4772-4780. doi:10.1039/c7cp06058k
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water EvaGreen® Dye, 2000X in DMSO  

Nerve Terminal Dyes: Reliable and convenient optical probes for visualizing synaptic activity and dynamics

Lazarenko, R. M., DelBove, C. E. and Zhang, Q. (2018). Fluorescent Measurement of Synaptic Activity Using FM Dyes in Dissociated Hippocampal Cultured Neurons. Bio-protocol 8(2): e2690. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2690.
Featured Product: Nerve Terminal Staining Kits SynaptoGreen™ C4 (Equivalent to FM®1-43) SynaptoRed™ C2 (Equivalent to FM®4-64)  

Single-laser excitation, multicolor spectral imaging for single molecule tracking (SMT) in live cells

Huang T et al. Simultaneous Multicolor Single-Molecule Tracking with Single-Laser Excitation via Spectral Imaging. Biophys J. 2018;114(2):301-310. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.013.
Featured Product: Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) Conjugates Transferrin (Human) CF® Dye Conjugates  

Combining droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) with the viability dye PMA to measure probiotic success

Droplet digital PCR improves absolute quantification of viable lactic acid bacteria in faecal samples. Gobert G, Cotillard A, Fourmestraux C, Pruvost L, Miguet J, Boyer M. J Microbiol Methods. (2018) 148:64-73. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2018.03.004.
Featured Product: PMAxx™ Dye, 20 mM in H2O  

UV-induced photoconversion artifacts of DAPI and Hoechst dyes causes green and red fluorescence emission

Karg, T.J. & Golic, K.G. Chromosoma (2017) Photoconversion of DAPI and Hoechst dyes to green and red-emitting forms after exposure to UV excitation.
Featured Product: DAPI  

Smartphone-based POC diagnostics using fluorescent LAMP

(1) Chen W, Yu H, et al. Mobile Platform for Multiplexed Detection and Differentiation of Disease-Specific Nucleic Acid Sequences, Using Microfluidic Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification and Smartphone Detection. Anal Chem. 2017 Nov 7;89(21):11219-11226. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b02478. (2) Ganguli A, Ornob A, et al. Hands-free smartphone-based diagnostics for simultaneous detection of Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue at point-of-care. Biomed Microdevices. 2017 Aug 22;19(4):73. doi: 10.1007/s10544-017-0209-9.
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

A portable LED-based photoacoustic imaging system for near-infrared small animal imaging

Hariri A, Lemaster J, Wang J, Jeevarathinam AS, Chao DL, Jokerst JV. The characterization of an economic and portable LED-based photoacoustic imaging system to facilitate molecular imaging. Photoacoustics. 2017 Nov 26;9:10-20. doi:10.1016/j.pacs.2017.11.001.
Featured Product: DiR  

Effective quenching of red blood cell autofluorescence in tissue sections

Whittington, N. C., & Wray, S. (2017). Suppression of red blood cell autofluorescence for immunocytochemistry on fixed embryonic mouse tissue. Current Protocols in Neuroscience, 81,2.28.1–2.28.12. doi: 10.1002/cpns.35
Featured Product: TrueBlack® Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher  

Interphase Chromosome Profiling – a novel, high-resolution and robust methodology for karyotyping by banded chromosome analysis

Babu R, Van Dyke DL, et al. Interphase Chromosome Profiling: A Method for Conventional Banded Chromosome Analysis Using Interphase Nuclei. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2017 Oct 5. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2016-0621-OA.
Featured Product: dUTP CF® Dye Conjugates  

Refractive index optimization for live cell imaging

Boothe T, Hilbert L, Heide M, Berninger L, Huttner WB, Zaburdaev V, Vastenhouw NL, Myers EW, Drechsel DN, Rink JC. (2017). A tunable refractive index matching medium for live imaging cells, tissues and model organisms. Elife. 14;6. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.27240
Featured Product: RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water  

Multiple kinesins drive anterograde neuropeptide transport

Lim A, Rechtsteiner A, Saxton WM. (2017) Two kinesins drive anterograde neuropeptide transport. Mol Biol Cell. 28(24):3542-3553. https://doi: 10.1091/mbc.E16-12-0820
Featured Product: Mix-n-Stain™ CF® Dye Antibody Labeling Kits  

Apoptosis probe to assess EGFR inhibitor sensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer

Guisier F, Bohn P, Patout M, Piton N, Farah I, Vera P, et al. (2017) In- and ex-vivo molecular imaging of apoptosis to assess sensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer to EGFR inhibitors using probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180576.
Featured Product: NucView® Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrates  

Whole animal staining with single-cell resolution

Kubota et al. (2017). Whole-Body Profiling of Cancer Metastasis with Single-Cell Resolution. Cell Reports 20, 236-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.06.010
Featured Product: RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in DMSO  

Pocket-size closed-loop PCR system for POC diagnostics

B. Shu, C. Zhang, D. Xing. A sample-to-answer, real-time convective polymerase chain reaction system for point-of-care diagnostics. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017. DOI:
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

An infrared actin probe for single-molecule speckle (SiMS) microscopy

Yamashiro and Watanabe. An infrared actin probe for deep-cell electroporation-based single-molecule speckle (eSiMS) microscopy. Sensors. 17(7), 1545 (2017). Doi10.3390/s17071545
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester  

Pathogen detection by massively parallel HRM analysis

Velez, D. O., et al. (2017). Massively parallel digital high resolution melt for rapid and absolutely quantitative sequence profiling. Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 42326. doi:10.1038/srep42326
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

Four-color nanoscale imaging of living and fixed cells with hyperSTED

Winter, F. R. et al. Multicolour nanoscopy of fixed and living cells with a single STED beam and hyperspectral detection. Sci. Rep. 7, 46492; doi: 10.1038/srep46492 (2017).
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester  

Mutiplexed miRNA detection using Qbeads and GelRed®

Guo, Qingsheng and Bian, Feika and Liu, Yuqian and Qu, Xiaojun and Hu, Xianyun and Sun, Qingjiang. Hybridization chain reactions on silica coated Qbeads for the colorimetric detection of multiplex microRNAs.Chem. Commun. 2017. 53, 36, pp 4954-4957; doi: 10.1039/C7CC00462A
Featured Product: GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain  

Integrated imaging of cells in 3-dimensional culture reveals new nuclear structures

Danielle M. Jorgens, Jamie L. Inman, Michal Wojcik, Claire Robertson, Hildur Palsdottir, Wen-Ting Tsai, Haina Huang, Alexandre Bruni-Cardoso, Claudia S. López, Mina J. Bissell, Ke Xu, Manfred Auer. Deep nuclear invaginations are linked to cytoskeletal filaments - integrated bioimaging of epithelial cells in 3D culture. J Cell Sci 2017 130: 177-189; doi: 10.1242/jcs.190967
Featured Product: CF® Dye & Biotin SE Protein Labeling Kits  

Coaggregation of milk protein amyloid fibrils

Raynes, JK, et al. Coaggregation of κ-Casein and β-Lactoglobulin Produces Morphologically Distinct Amyloid Fibrils. Small. February 2017. DOI: 10.1002/smll.201603591
Featured Product: CF® Dye Maleimides  

Microbial genomics in a lunar/Mars simulated habitat

Mayer T, et al.Microbial succession in an inflated lunar/Mars analog habitat during a 30-day human occupation. Microbiome. June 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s40168-016-0167-0
Featured Product: PMA (Propidium Monoazide) PMAxx™ Dye, 20 mM in H2O Viability PCR Starter Kits  

Chitosan microparticle preps simplify PCR from whole blood samples

Nanayakkara IA, Cao W, White IM. Simplifying Nucleic Acid Amplification from Whole Blood with Direct Polymerase Chain Reaction on Chitosan Microparticles. Analytical Chemistry. 2017. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00274.
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water  

Spatially extensive propagation of second messenger signaling through gap junctions in tissues

Escue, R. Kandasamy, K. and Parthasarathi, K. Thrombin Induces Inositol Trisphosphate-Mediated Spatially Extensive Responses in Lung Microvessels. Am J. Pathol 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2016.12.014
Featured Product: Phalloidin Conjugates  

Microfluidic biopsy trap for personalized cancer drug testing

Holton AB, Sinatra FL, Kreahling J, Conway AJ, Landis DA, Altiok S (2017) Microfluidic Biopsy Trapping Device for the Real-Time Monitoring of Tumor Microenvironment. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169797. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169797
Featured Product: Annexin V Conjugates  

Safer, more sensitive DNA dye for CsCl gradients

Gao J, Pan K, Li H, Fan X, Sun L, Zhang S, et al. (2017) Application of GelGreen™ in Cesium Chloride Density Gradients for DNA-Stable Isotope Probing Experiments. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169554. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169554
Featured Product: GelGreen® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain  

Tumor inflammation stabilizes PD-L1, promoting tumor survival

Lim, Seung-Oe et al. Deubiquitination and Stabilization of PD-L1 by CSN5. Cancer Cell 2016, Dec 12;30(6):925-939. DOI:
Featured Product: NucView® Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrates  

Single-molecule DNA methylation detection with fluorescent AdoMet analogues

T. Gilboa, C. Torfstein, M. Juhasz, A. Grunwald, Y. Ebenstein, E. Weinhold, and A. Meller. Single-Molecule DNA Methylation Quantification Using Electro-optical Sensing in Solid-State Nanopores. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 8861−8870. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b04748
Featured Product: CF® Dye Alkyne  

Can synthetic glycosaminoglycans prevent sinusitis?

Pulsipher A, Qin X, Thomas AJ, Prestwich GD, Oottamasathien S, Alt JA. Prevention of sinonasal inflammation by a synthetic glycosaminoglycan. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2016. DOI: 10.1002/alr.21865
Featured Product: CF® Dye Hydrazide  

Sensitive RT-LAMP detection of malaria infection using GelGreen® dye

Kemleu S, Guelig D, Eboumbou Moukoko C, Essangui E, Diesburg S, Mouliom A, et al. A Field-Tailored Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Assay for High Sensitivity Detection of Plasmodium falciparum Infections. 2016, PLOS ONE 11(11), Nov 8;11(11):e0165506. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165506.
Featured Product: GelGreen® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain  

Evaluating the role of chitosan as an adjuvant for an intranasal HBV vaccine

Wang, Zhi-Biao, Pu Shan, Su-Zhen Li, Ya Zhou, Xia Deng, Ji-Lai Li, Yu Zhang, Jin-Shuang Gao, and Jing Xu. "The mechanism of action of acid-soluble chitosan as an adjuvant in the formulation of nasally administered vaccine against HBV." RSC Advances, 2016,6, 96785-96797.  doi: 10.1039/C6RA14419E.
Featured Product: CF® Dye SE/TFP Ester  

Evaluation of dental plaque and halitosis in dogs by PMA and qPCR

Jeusette IC, Román AM, Torre C, Crusafont J, Sánchez N, Sánchez MC, Pérez-Salcedo L, Herrera D. "24-hour evaluation of dental plaque bacteria and halitosis after consumption of a single placebo or dental treat by dogs." Am J Vet Res, June 2016, Vol. 77, No. 6 , Pages 613-619. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.77.6.613

Single cell microarray for cell viability and comet assay in adherent cells

Lili Li, Weixing Wang, Mingyu Ding, Guoan Luo, and Qionglin Liang. Single-Cell-Arrayed Agarose Chip for in Situ Analysis of Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of DNA Cross-Linking Agents.Anal. Chem. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b01008 (2016).
Featured Product: GelRed® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain  

Best dyes for quantification of low amounts of DNA

B. Bruijns, R. Tiggelaar, H. Gardeniers, Fluorescent cyanine dyes for the quantification of low amounts of dsDNA, Analytical Biochemistry (2016), doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2016.07.022
Featured Product: AccuBlue® NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit  

RedDot™2 for Confocal Imaging of 3-D Tissue Architecture

van Royen ME, Verhoef EI, Kweldam CF, van Cappellen WA, Kremers GJ, Houtsmuller AB, van Leenders GJ. Three-dimensional microscopic analysis of clinical prostate specimens.Histopathology. 2016 Jun 29. doi: 10.1111/his.13022.
Featured Product: RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in DMSO  

Viability PCR for infectious norovirus in food and water samples

Randazzo, et al. Evaluation of viability PCR performance for assessing norovirus infectivity in fresh-cut vegetables and irrigation water. Int J Food Microbiol. 2016 Jul 16;229:106.
Featured Product: PMAxx™ Dye, 20 mM in H2O  

CF™488 for 2-photon microscopy

Mercier L, et al. In vivo imaging of skeletal muscle in mice highlights muscle defects in a model of myotubular myopathy. IntraVital. 2016 Apr 6;5(1):e1168553. doi: 10.1080/21659087.2016.1168553.
Featured Product: α-Bungarotoxin, CF® Dye and Other Conjugates  

EvaGreen® PCR for Point-of-Care Ebola Diagnosis

Ahrberg CD, Manz A, Neužil P. Palm-Sized Device for Point-of-Care Ebola Detection. Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (9), pp 4803–4807. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00278
Featured Product: EvaGreen® Dye, 20X in Water